mm.iL.,B S2533uiu5S" I ! 4Jf, V.tftrffRtMfi. V07 Tff, ! m .j i1 i It r, Hf ' ili 1. i I i l.rf i I I1 ! Ml low a snfor ard huppier rond to rrfT fly. Tnls ftdvico Is not wlfh'iflt fonnrtn Hon. Soma (Kirwrrw sfik fh p'rty wilhonf (Idly ((iW(ttUilt lh ftlVftrilflM whWb Aftmd Hi? mpftsnre Tliy fiK'' Hip T TTtB fAS OK '7 Th pf!Tt (JommfiTifternnrU has ended fhp p?pnti. pf of otir Uftlteraltj, an1 ft rla of ppi. grwlrtate Iim departed hecnuvi of vfttfne glnmonr wJi'cli to from our midst i? Is Imt ft r.olnoilen-.e, fhem snrrmnds city 1Wp. or from an 'v-r j ,,f our', that the nnrnbor soirer? be trn drawn notion of ir rpsppf lability H"'" of both these (vent, though n similar in Hi other hand, a many lav- Hip country fir good reasons, w must admit Hint the moviinenl Is Hi' result of no fri IllfiK cause. jl is claimed, nrifl doubtless with Iriilli, Hint morn people Hock li I1u city llinri il ciiiri sustain. The balance of ultra lion Is ovidontly on the side of Dm- laller; yet It (loos nol follow tlml this Is necessarily llio daso. Life, whofhoi in eotlnliy or oily, Is Inrgoly what people mnko 11, iiiid thu greater sttniutlon of tlio one Is nol a iiuuossiiry result of an essential lank of advnntagos In the nthur. Tlin rush to Him oily is because the I'm in (loos nol piosont sufficient Indiieoinonlfl to lOtnlii 11 niluiomiis class of young pooplu. Tlio western hfruioi In his headlong put sill! lot independence In I lie ii nn t fullllo, till nil Hit' giniiiiil lie possibly can mill nl lllWH IlllUSIlIf Mill' lllllM loi M'CM'lllllill. I In th us hoounios ndiildgo doing It In win Ii IIMIt'll HR II II WOIO II IIIIK'llllll' ll" ll'llllfl, also, mi tuiHiiHal life JhoIiiIiuI an tin Is liuin lila iMilliljoifi. Ills sons mo In I'm in lll'o nntliliin ,M1 " luputllloii of this, and so tiiin to uioiu in vltlnj; Ili'M" of IhIimi Tlif'si' ilniwluiflis inllil liiiinali'ilally lnsocncil. Kiiiiiilnn, In llsoir, iiii'iits Wasliliitlon's (MU'oinltiin of lii'lliU " t tin niiisl nolitc anil tlin iniml line I'tll ni'iMipiilloiiol man." Hut Iiiiiiicim do Hill liiakn llicli linini'H Rlllllclciilly atliacl. Ivo. Hy ntitlititfr liusli'" iitiiii slowly Lliti Would Hiilli'i no malcilal lo?s. Tln-y uutild tin inoio towaid ii'llcvliif; Hum life of Its iiiiimituny and It-oliillcii, and by tiiatiitahilng giualui tmolal and inlolloohi ul iiUvimliigue, liiinpt inoio ol ihulr olill dii'it In luiiiutn ul liumu. h lipp'ri'l In v?ry pry yar hul nttf 'I'Im- plon'T period if our sihool Is no? nl nn ond. Willi llio dopftrturo of tlio prniwril c.Iaw, no ntiiflnntA wlio onlnrcd diirhift Hi" Hrsl tw yonrs will rorrmln Our Unlvcrlly lias Imcn slmdlly fiinnr lug from tlio iiii.aiittlcd oondlllon of an nuwly opcnod Institution, and It will now piosont llio app'iiranoo of oldor col logon with tlmli gradual nliaugus. '!liii clans of '7H Is largor llian any of lis pirdcccsftiirs, and fiituro onus, dotilt loss, will nooii bo much larger. This ox pcc.latlon scorns wariaulud liy llio pio- pciily of out young and growing stale, and tlio Inloiosl of Its clllzons In tlio"auso of mliicatlon. Tlio iiiuiuhors of llio ulass havo main lalncd a loeoid highly hotiorahlu to tlioiu hoIvoh us well an giatlfying lo tlio patrons of the Unlverslly. Ah wo bid laiowell lo lliein, we hope lluil their fuliiio will ho pioHpniotiH ami Hint Ihey will not coasolo advoealo Hie inletenUol' llio institution of which they havo been nienihoiH. WaYIiANII IIAIIiICV is a bullion lo I'm!, llailoy of our Unl voislly. lie ciiuio bold in llio Kail of '70, ami onb'ied the .lunioi elnHH In Ihc cIiih steal coiirso. I'rnvlouK to thin timo lie bad puisiied his studios in Ohicago. Me was almenl all IiihI your and was chlolly oeeuied In teaching In I'enusylvania, In Ida studies, Mr. Hailey has dovoloped a piofuiouco lor llio hoIoiicoh, having imiubml iu tbeso n hlgii grade of scholar ship. Ills Hoelety alllnilicH havo been wllh llio Univoisily Union. I Iu is ol inudium hIro, with dark hair ami oyes. An lo llio culling ho will follow, wo can not speak with ceilululy, but havo heaid