Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1878, Image 1

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QuI non Troflcit, Deficit.
JUNE, 1878.
NO. 0.
Tho Sun, his dally duty done, has set'
Behind tho hill;
Tho shades that slow creep up tho Htcoplo high,
. Knvelop nil.
Tho lowing of tho cattlo In tho yard,
Has ceased, flu mill ;
No sound Is heard bcsltlo tho rippling splash
Or waterfall.
Tin night, when Sllenco over hill and dell,
Extendi her sway.
Attended hy tho crctcont moon nnd stars,
She sits profound;
And watches with a gentlo care tho birth
Of coming day,
When nature shall awake again tn go
Her dally round.
Nnught, said I, save tho splashing waterfall
Disputes her power.
Anon aro heard the gentlo accents low
Of lovers twain;
Whose tender passions from thelrsouls o'erilow
At this calm hour.
When in each heart is undisturbed hy might,
The other's reign.
Now when there's naught hut peaceful Silence
Tho sleeping earth o'cr
Unmoved hy anything without, tho mind,
Its power collects.
'Tin silent Night Unit aids tho mind to give
Its great thoughts blith.
Tis Night Inspires tho poet who lilts tho veil
And lire detects.
Every one hits the desire to gain prop,
city; and when this desire is kept within
bounds, it is proper mid right. But if it
goes beyond certain limits nnd becomes
the master of the man, and makes him
bend every energy to the acquisition of
wealth, it becomes a curse. For he for
gets his duly to himself nnd his fellow
man, in that lie neglects to cultivate those
feelings of pity and compassion that every
true man must have. His heart becomes
hard and calloused. He will do nothing
to malic people happier and better. He
becomes wrapt up in self to such an ex
tent that he cannot enjoy life even when
surrounded by all the luxuries that the
world can supply. Life hits no pleasure
to him for he is shut out from all the hap
piness thai acts of kindness give. He is
deprived of the greatest of all pleasures
the knowledge of some good deed done
and of some one made happy.
Then on account of the man's own soli,
he ought not to use luxuries when there
arc persons in need around him; for, as
has been shown, the using of them has, a
tendency to ruin him morally, and de
prive him of more of the real pleasures of
life than they furnish.
Again, if a person has wealth, he should
not use it in procuring luxuries for him-