1 ill No. 5. CULTOIIE AND POLITICS. 379 virtue. The young generation is growing up with ideas or its own, and does not hesitate to call the opinions and views of older persons, antiquated and dogmatic; and their authors, old fogies. It was one of the grand customs of the Greeks that the youths received daily ins'ructiou from the old white haired patriarchs; and, brought up un der tliir beneficial teaching, they did not much develop that wayward independ ence so characteristic of young America, who too often forget that somethings, nay, almost everything, must be accepted upon anothei's testimony. So little can even the wisest really understand, for, " In reasonlug proud, blind leader Of the blind, through life we go: And do not know the things we see Nor see the things we know." Egotism and vain-glory are but milder types of insanity, and J?sup thought this probauly when he wrote of the Hy thai sat upon the axle-tree of the chariot wheel and said: "Ho! what a dust to make." There are also too many Hies, even in these boasted days of advancement, who are just as important in their own estim ation as ever were those of old; quite as man', who, at the spider's invitation, will walk into his parlor and up those wind ing stairs, even with their ces open, and they suffer the same fate. But we cer tainly have a right to expect more than this from an intelligent humai being. The tly is perhaps excusable for rushing into the spider's web though he may see many of his companions suspended in its toils. But practical common sense and discriminating wisdom are supposed to some noble end in view, to run tue race swiftly and win the victors prize; to work for some good; to do what we can do with all our might; to "disdain neglect;" and to " ignore despair;" and on defeats that arc past and gone, to plant our feet ' upon a stair and mount right up and on! M. B. F. CULTURE AND POLITICS. Fiederic Harrison, an English liberal ist, says, "The man of culture is in pol itics one of the poorest mortals alive. For simple pedantry nd want of good sense no man is his equal. .. Perhaps they arc the only class of responsible beings in the community who cannot with safety be entrusted with power." "We are not surprised to hear this clever writer dis claim so eloquently aguinat culture when c hear him define it as "a smattering of the two dead languages of Greek and Latin." Now if culture consists of uoth iug but a knowledge of Greek, Latin and Mathematics, I think the English liberal, ist is right in declaring the man of cul ture unfit for the political arena. It is altogether probable that a man may be an adept in Gieek roots and even appre date Greek tragedy and yet not under, stand the simplest laws of exchange. It is not impossible that he should scan Lat in verse with ease, or even indite a poem in that noble tongue, and still be ignorant of the well ascertained laws of currency. Nay, lie may even excel in the intricacies of the calculus or calculate the move ments of the heavenly bodies and yet be be moie efficient weaj ons lo ward off the innoianl of the principles of taxation. evil, and we may waid it off if we only will, because, although the race is to the swift and the battle to the strong, never theless there are some supplementary causes which contribute to the victory or to the defeat; and we would plead for moie thoughtfulness, and less careless- ness ; more consideration, and less will But lie has only a mean conception of culture, who limits it lo this narrow range. Tiue culture is broader and more comprehensive; it is to know the best that has been thought and said as well as done in all past ages. I know we are apt to rely on education for the security of our institutions, but education must UVaO, UV -. . . fulness; more actions, and fewer words he something more than classic lore and for the earnest living of active lives; with 'abstruse theorems if it is to prove any Ka.ia m I 3 m 4 m m v 'ii