No. 5. TnE nooT op manneus. 371 tal work. And I am of the opinion that six hours spent in close application to study and recitation is enough for a day's work. If one attempts to do more than this lie will in time become tired out and must from necessity take a vacation to recruit lost strength. One can for a few days he unsparing of menial strength, just as lie can of physical, hut it is im possible to overwork for a whole term of twelve or fourteen weeks without having exhausted unature cry so loudly for rest that its imperative demand must at length he yielded to. Men who do a vast amount of mental labor are not, as a rule, those who spend the most time in work. Our most eminent writers do not labor ten or fifteen hours a day, but spend only a few hours in close, intense mental application. In this way time and strength are econo mized, good work is done, and the mind is kept clear and active. Not so much work is dono in a few days, but at the end of months a far greater amount is accom plished. If students would habituate themselves to spend only a few hours of close mental application upon their studies, aim to do excellent work so far as they might go, and spend more time in recreation, or in some business foreign to their studies, thoy would in the long run accomplish more. Our beststudents pursue this meth od. Thoy have not lime to lounge when it is their hour for work, but they have time to recreate, time to write, time to spend in preparation for any literary work they may he required to do, and lime to spend in social chat and in cultivating their social powers. Set that person down as an infe rior scholar, who has time for nothing else than his books. From overwork, his mental faculties become clouded, his powers of conception become dulled, and more than all, he becomes unfitted to min gle with men, and to deal with the prac tical things of life. Uiuei-. THE ROOT OF MANNERS. "Thou shall love thy neighbor as thy. self" is the first law of good manners, and success depends more upon good manners than upon good sense. A man may have the finest intellect and the strongest will, yet without good manners will comparatively fail. There may be a few persons capable of seeing beyond a gruir exterior and harsh manner into the true worth and goodness of a person; but the number is not large enough to war rant us in assuming such a manner. It may be complained that it is not right for us to have so much regard for trilles as manners require. Hut the way in which these trilles are observed shows the condition of the heart. A person may guard his actions in regard to momen. tons questions, but the actions which go to make up manners are invol untary, and urc prompted by no diploma cy or shrewdness. Special attention should be paid to manners particularly in business relations. Many men owe their success in this di rection almost entirely to their suavity of manner. It has heen said of Lundlay Footo that "his 'thank jou, my dear, please call again,' made him a million, aire." A man of a gruff and harsh bear ing is less likely to succeed in business than in anything else. For a person of intellect may, by the exercise of will power, carve success in the face of 'lie opposition and dislike caused by his man ners; but it is iit the expense of power, and no one can deny thai his accomplish ments would have been all the more brll limit had he not created this opposition and dislike. The manlier of doing a thing, il has been truly said, is "Unit which marks the degree and force of our internal impres sions; it emanates most directly from our immediate or habitual feelings; il is that which stamps its life and character on any action." And as the manner in which WlWtWffW '11