E. HALLETT,. Wu tcli maker, Jeweller, and Engraver, and Dealer In flno Wntclics, Diamond, Silverware, Spectacles, &c. ii k . . The University Bell is rune by IUluett's Time. i o street, between 10th and 11th, outh side. L-INCOLN, NEB. 'f- Co t 2. 3 S 2 I s 2 r j Is 3 o a S ! OS S O DO o 3 II. L,. WIIiT.OX, Tho Patentee and eoIo proprietor of the Willcox Patent Tor Tunning, is now prepared to make lo order all kinds of ladies and gents' Boots & Shoes From his patent Leather. Highest cash price paid iti Leather or Boots and Shoes lor ail good- Hides, and farm produce ta ken in exchange. nil kinds repairing done as cheap as the cheapest Half-soles 75 cts. It mt tuber I hat OJVJB I0Z,Z,XK spent with me saves three dollars in the country. Before buying elsewhere, call and examine my stock. THE best & cheapest Furnaturc StOrc in the West, is Mitchers. NonTn side op Squahe, Next to li. & M. Land Oefice. BAKERY ! ALSO Staple and Fancy Groceries Confectionery, Canned Fruit, Best Spring: and Fall Flour M. A. GtTkMCK, North Side Market Square, fa B. tc M. K. It. Time Table in Nebraska. Pass. & Mall going East, arrives 12:10 p.m. " " " " leaves 12:35 p.m. " West arrives 12:30 p.m. " " " " leaves 12 :50 p.m. Accommodation going West arrives 1:30 p. m. " " " leaves 1:55 p. m. " East arrives 11:05 a.m. " " leaves 11:85 a.m. Prelcht " u " 5:30 p. m. ? 7:00 p.m. A. C. ZIlCatER, Ticket Ageat.