Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1878, Image 32
II 1 m m Wholosalo and Itotail dealers in Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Woodenwnrc, iVe. Vc. C2Ti'Yr.s -clasdioare EstnUiahmen Knst Hide tho S(uar;. Lincoln, Nl. f2.0T T Great chance to make money. IT vr '--'--' you can't get gold joii chii pet greenbacks. o need n porson In e'vorv town to tnko subscriptions for tlio 'nrgost, cheapest mid best Illustrated family publication in the world. Any ono can heroine n successful agent. The most elegant works of art are given free to sub scribers. The price in so low that almost every body subscribe-. Ono tigc-nt reports making over SIM) in u week. A ladv agent reports taking over 100 subscribers in ten (lays. All who ungate make money fast. You can deote all vonr lime or on ly your spare time. You need not be away from homo over night. You can do it as well a others. Full particulars, direction and terms free, Klo gant and expensive Out Hit Iron, if you want prof itable work send us your address at ouco. It costs nothing to try the business. No ono who engages fails to make great pav. Address "The People's Journal," Portland, Jlnino. JULIUS PFISTEUER, Gunsmith, Locksmith, and Machinist, BASIL S C II 0 15 E L i-koimuktoh, Keep constantly on hand a lull assortment ol Shot-UuiiB, I.'lllos, Pistols, Amuiiinltion. .fcc. All kinds of KKPAIUINU and IIiiash work done on short notice and at roasotiblo prices. Particular attention paid to Country Orders. 10th Street between 0 & N. Lincoln, Xehraslca. II. C. SMITH, ITAltmVARls. DAliKIl IN Stoves and Timvare, Uoofin-, and Repairing. North Side of Square, Lineoln, Neb. j.. .ins run v is no. Wholesale & Be tail -Dealers in- Groecrics and Provisions, Wooden & Willow ware Ve. Ait?. South Side Simrp. GO TO Pvor. Johnson's To got your hair cut, or for a shave S1IAV1XG - - - 10 c;t. IIA1H CUTTING - 25 fr-Hot and Cold Uatlis. O Street between 10th and 11th. LINCOLN, . NEBRASKA Doalor in Staple & Fancy Iry Goods AND NOTIONS, No. 10, 0 Street, McConnel's New Illock, Lincoln, Ndiraxlcu. A. M. J)A VIS, Wholesale) and ltetail Dealer in Carpels, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats, WliHlDit'tlutrlrK, l.txrr CtirlnhiKy mun., AY. AY, No. 2:), E. O Stukkt, Ltncoi.n GO TO LICE'S ! Old and Jldiahle 1 UCTTON STORE for a Good Bur u ti in in seconded hnnded 1'iirniturc, Tin ware ami notion of nl KIuiIn. Kast Side the Square. liillCOllI, J'flifnuK-ft, I'tunily Groceries. An Cooil as the KcNt, As Cheap as llio OhonpoNt, AT GKIB'FITBB ItKO'S. Corner of Kith and I StreetH. The I-iXcelsior Teachers' Agency. Tun promptest, simplest, cheapest, most extensive and oillcient in this country. An old and successful Agency now en larged and improved under u new name. A branch olllce in neat ly every Slate. School Authorities desiring teachers, and touchers desiring positions should address willi stamp, Ruv. S. AV. Applegate, Gene ral olhYc, Trenton, Mich. Hanwwnaiwii w mjgWWMWiu-iriigT iil - h ' BiBiMBMlHHiBWWBSSBBBiiBBiSSBHEBHBBSSii