Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1878, Image 31
JlffJ Commercial Hotel. (Douglas lloiiho Enlarged.) J. .. IM1I0FF, Prop. Nowly Furnluhcd Throughout. OonvonlontSani plo ItouniH for Conuncrclitl Men. Cor. 11th & V Sts., two Mocks south University, FJnvoIn, Ycb. I. I,. PKCKHAM, CARPENTER & BUILDER I 11th Street, hot. M and N, "West Side. All work done in n, neat and expeditious mini nor. Orders s ollolted. N. PARICER, HOOT & SHOE MAKER. P Strcul, hetweon 10th and 11th, Lincoln, - Nebraska. lllU'AlllINd lMUUU'TLY ATTKN1IK1) TO. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. COAL AND WOOD ! Having purchased tlio interest of K. 1'. IIai.siiy In the Grain mid Coal business, at Lincoln, I tun now prepared to furnish Coal at Wholesale and Retail. IIuIiik sole Agent Tor FOKT SOOTT A: MO. SURI.MIT VOAL, I can furnish wuno at greatly reduced iricoB Dealers from along tliu lino of I). & M. and Nob. Hallway will II ml It to tliulr Interest to glvu mo a call. OFFICE, CORNER 7th fcP Sis., LINCOLN, NKH. 7''. i JIU1U) IgrSudcnts u speciality. DKAI.Kll IN CLOTHING, lie has now on hand tlio heaviest stockof goods In his line In Lincoln. Students will do well by purchasing of May, as will all others. Union Mock, Corner of O AlOthStu, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA OIIAKIJGS STABLER. Cutter, Vlttor uiul Tailor, Suits of All Kinds Made to Order, In tho latest styles, and satisfaction guaranteed, Clothes cleaned repaired on short notice, AND AT THK MOST HKASONAUI.K KATES. Mh St. between Ar (f 0, South side Oommer elal llloek. Iitncoln, Nol. J'lttlerns. Corsets. IJONll and OTLIIH11T. I'ASIIONABLK Cloak and Dress Malclii;, Mi i.i.i sr.it v and Notions. Comix Mmht to Order. 0 St.. hot, llth & 12th, LINCOLN, NK1J. A IIURLBUT. L ) T II 1 I? It, Hliio Flminol SiiIIn for HI to 811. NO. 12, O 8TKKKT, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. S. SC1I WAIBOLD, MANUFAOTWIIKU o I' ll O O t S and Shoes Lulioxy Worl$ MmU A Speciality, Kiipairlii dono neatly anil promptly. Shop on Hast. Side ol l'OHt-olllco Square, I.1.INUOI.N, NWIIUSKA.