Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1878, Page 398, Image 26

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L()0A1 Mkws.
Voi,. vii,
The Palladiana are compollod to Incur
somo more extra expense in lilting up
their hull. They arc thinking of enlarg
ing the rostrum for the critic's feel, and
putting up a screen so that the young
ladies will not keep looking at them all
the lime.
Mn. McLean has been trimming the
shrubbory, cleaning up the campus and
otherwise beautifying the University sur
roundings. George is a worker, and by
his industry has from time to time added
much to both the interior and exterior of
the University.
Tiihek things destined to remain a
mystery to the present generation: the
whereabouts of Charley Ross, who put
that cannon on the campus, and what has
become of the University String Rand.
These mysteries will probably bo devel
oped, " when the pigs begin to lly."
The base ball mania has subsided, and
the Preps are masters of the field. Its
the target shooting that catches the boys
now. Ry the way, the figures of the
shooting record would make a good base
ball score, and the base ball seores would
apply very well to a game of ten-pins.
Clink's Old Reliable Photo. Gallery
is running in full blast. Willi good work
men, fine instruments and accessories,
ho is ready to serve students at student
prices and the world at largo at the low
est rates. lie warrents first class work.
Get your pictures now in time for the
Tiik bachelor students east of the Uni
versity are becoming quite expert in
athletic feats. They practice running,
jumping, and various other feats calcula
ted to develop the physical man. Though
muscle doesn't make the man, yet healthy
exercise is better than to mope discontent
edly about the house during the lime one
is not studying.
The boys still play bnse ball occasion
ally. The last game was between the
Preps and Freshies on the ground East
of the campus. Prof Hailoy was chosen
umpire, and W. R. Alexander and U. M.
Rridenbaugh scorers. There was consid
erable skill shown on both sides as will
be seen from the score which Blood -1!) to
02 in favor of the Preps.
Two students with their fair ones sunn,
tered up to the University on Sunday ev
ning look possession of the stops and
whiled away a couple of hours with bright
and willy remarks, the conversation being
carried jm almost entirely by one couple
the principal topic being a shawl with
"zebra stripes" under which they were
both endeavoring to sit; wheuthor they
succeeded or not we can not say.
One of the young men in the Analytical
Chemistry, who has not been wearing his
red riddon of lale, discovered a bottle of
wine in the absence of the Prof, which
he thought he would test, not by chemical
analysis, but by taking it inwardly. When
Prof, returned and informed the student
that it was poisoned, his face was redder
than if he had I'ruuk a gallon of wine.
Puoi'kssoks Thompson, Jones and
Lamb will open a Normal Clas3 for teach
era in the High School July 8th. The oh
ject of the class is to prepare teachers for
examination for state cirtlllcates which
will be given at the close. The only text
books required are Northcnd's Teachers
Guide, Swinton's Composition, Hillard's
Fifth or Sixth Reader and perhaps a gram
mar and arithmetic. The class will con
tinue four weeks.
Tiiuke is some talk of the Regents
erecting a dormitory and boarding house
for the students. The building, perhaps,
will be located on the "disputed eighty"
east of the University. Such an improve
inent will add greatly to the interest of
the University as it will enlarge the num
her of students by furnishing greater in."
ducements. At present, boarding facili
ties for students are very "poor and we
hope that the University can soon boast
of a first class dormitory.
The annual exhibitions of the societies