Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1878, Page 394, Image 22

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Editoii's TxniiR.
Voij. vir,
When u St. Louis girl is very much in
earnest ubout anything she says she will
" bet licr boots" on it. The auditors walk
round her foot, and when they have re
turned and rested say that if site has not
wagered her all on the result, she has bet
ted n great share of herself- C7ii'c(,7
" Years hence tlio watchman prowling 'round,
Saw almost buried In lliu ground,
A skeleton, and near it found
A calculus.
The doctor said 'twas heart disease,
And you mny call it what you please,
Hut I, who have my own ideas,
Say calculus.
Student .('.
One day last week, a man with a short
overcoat and long rubbers entered the
ticket offlce of the C. P. R. R., and step,
ping up to the box, said: " Are .y.y.you
the t-t-tickot m-m-mnn?" The agent nod
ded. " W-w.well, I want a t-t-ticket for
t-ticket for P-P.P-P d-d-d-d n it ; I'll
w-w-w-walk." Jiesom.
" See hero, Parker, what's the dillor.
cucc between a ripe watermelon and a
rotten cabbage?" asked one letter-carrier
of another the other day. " You've
got me there. I don't know," he returned
with a look more puzzled than an illiter
ate man at a cross roads guide board.
"Then you'd be h mighty nice man to
send after a watermelon, you would," re.
marked tne quizeras he moved on. Cin
Ureakfiut Table.
Once upon it morning beauteous,
Lingered I, in mood most dutloiis,
Over Virgil's antique lore,
While professor tried our knowledge,
Setting many a nerve on edge,
Saying ne'er we'd enter college,
If we whispered more
Only tills, and nothing more.
If we whispered more,
Quick he'd send us out of door,
To return, ah, nevermore,
Only this and nothing more.
Not n single secret llsper,
Not n soul did dare to whisper.
While wo conned the pages o'er,
Untuning all with rapt attention,
As each victim's name he'd mention,
Using every keen Invention,
Our tired souls to hore,
Only this and nothing more,
As he racked our spirits sore,
Ah, relenting never more,
Only this and nothing more.
Otitrlin Jieiitw.
Every Senior at Trinity is required to
write a poem 100 lines long.
The number of pupils in the Agricul
turn! College at Ames is about 200.
Davenport, Iowa, schools have 2,000
pupils in German. Another inexcusable
crime. Lit. Note
Columbia College lias now 1,340 stu.
dents. The senior class is signing a peti
tion for the abolition of "cram week"
The public selwols for white children
in Maryland wi 1 receive from the school
tax, this year, $102,025; the colored
schools will receive $25,000.
There me 10,000 young men in our col.
leges and universities; 00,000, commer
cial travelers, and 500,000 young men cm
ployed iti operating railroads in this coun
try and Canada. Standard.
Texas University has invited Jetl'erson
Davis to give commencement address.
Mr. Davis has favored the appointment
of Mr. Minor, colored, to the presidency
of a college. There wore several while
men among the candidates. Literary
Brown University has graduated two
thousand live hundred nnd ninety, of
whom one thousand live hundred art now
living, and thirty of them are college pres
idents. Brown has contriMited to Duni
son one of these thirty presidents, and one
Of the three hundred and seventy-tive
members in both houses of Conirress.ono
hundred and ninety.onc arc college men
ninoty-six of the one hundred and lliir-