Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1878, Page 391, Image 19

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    No. 5.
class room shortly uftcr llio beginning of
a rccitiition. For as tho introduction of
11 book is necessary for one to understand
the course pursued by the author, it is
none tho lcs truo that tlie introductory
remarks upon a recitation arc necessary
to fully understand it.
For one to be always late, thcro is no
excuse. It takes the same amount of
time to accomplish a piece of work wheth
er one begin early or late. So there is noth.
ing made by delay. The rhetorical exer
cises must be complied with, sooner or
later. And since this work must be per
formed, it may as well be done iirst as
The programme of the literary society
has been found to take less time when
opened promptly than when there is a de
lay of half an hour.
But the student to be prompt at all times
should systematize his work. To each
hour of the day should be assigned a spe
cial study. Such a curriculum faithfully
adhered to will be found to save much lime
and trouble.
The performers for the annual enter
tainments of the literary societies have at
length been selected, and the work of
preparation has already begun. Hereto
fore members were select' d for entertain,
incuts, regardless of their pnst connection
with the societies. Hut in the June exhi
bitions, the societies will be represented
by students who have seldom appeared on
the public singe in Lincoln.
The change on the whole is evidently
for the better. 11 will give manj mem.
hers well qualified to represent the socie
ties a chance for improvement that under
the old regime would not occur. While
those who have often taken part in the en
tertainments, can rest from the work that
soon becomes wearisome.
The students' chosen for the June cxhi
bilions will makestrf-nuous efforts for ex
ccllcnl entertainments, and in them the
friends of tho University will find the
improvement that has been made in the
But in the management of these exhi
bitions, a common complaint has been
that they do not open at the appointed
time. Unfortunately there has always
been some delay. Another improvement
to be introduced, is that the programme
he made not so long as to weary an au
dience. Experience has proved that a
short rather than a long programme is
preferable for society entertainments.
Let then care be taken in the manage
ment of these exhibitions, and the usual
censure placed upon them will be avoid-cd.
There has Intel' been a growing im
pression among the students that the in
terests of our pape rrequirc a division of
the editorial work. Heretofore there has
been but one editor-in-chief, and while his
work was fell to be more than one person
can well attend to, the paper has labored
under other inconveniences.
The control of the Student has often
changed hands between tho two liter
ary societies. "When one of these has had
the ascendency, the other, to a certain ex
tent, has not felt free to support the paper.
It might seem that our large number of
students ought to include an ample pro
portion ol contributors. Yet this has
not been the case so much as.is desirable,
and these hindrances have often caused
the Student to suffer for want of prompt
The Student Association has thus
been led to so amend its constitution that
hereafter there shall he two editors-in-chief
possessed of equal powers, but not
eligible from the same literary society.
This amendment, we hope, has not been
made in vain. Our paper compnres well
with other college journals; yet to have its
full measure of prosperity, it must
meet with prompt and general support