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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1878)
No. 5. Editorials. 889 without cxchuling other scientific iiiul classical studies, and including mlilary tuc tics, to teach such brunches or learning us are related to agriculture ami the mechani cal arts, as the legislature of the stale may prescribe." Under this act of Congress, the Univer sity was established and successfully con ducted for six years. But at the end of that time it was suddenly discovered that the clause including Military tactics had been ignored; and with this deficiency the title of the land might be questioned. So without farther delay the Military De partment was opened in the University. At this time a student upon entering the University was requested to take one of the courses then prescribed; and when the Military department was established, the same rule applied to it. But the de partment had few attractions for the stu dents, so to make itasuias, measures were taken by the Regents to make the drill and the purchase of u uniform com pulsory upon all male students of the col lege classes. That the Military department was nec essary for retaining the lauds, perhaps no one would deny. But after it was estao lislied, by what right or justice it should be singled out from all the rest and made compulsory, many are at a loss to see. For if the enacting clause compells this department to be compulsory, under the same act every other department is liable to a similar misfortune. If the Military department was so necessari for retain ing the lands, why was the delay of six years bcfoic its introduction ? And, when dually introduced why was it not made compulsory at once instead of waiting a whole year? The Regents, before making the depart mcntcompulsory evidently procured good legal advice; but while they were inform ed by some that compulsion was neces sary under the enacting clause, others were of the opinion that the act deman ded only the establishment of the depart ment the sume us the others had been established. Therefore slucc the opinion of good legal authorities differs, the legal ity of ho act of the Regents Is perhaps a question for the Supreme Court to decide; and until then, subjudice lis at. But there is now before the Regents n resolution making the Military depart ment a par1 of every course in the institu tion. But before such a measure receives the assent of the Regents, we sincerely hope that they will consider the steps that they have already taken. Though even should this resolution become a part of the regulations of the University, the students intend to obey it as long as they remain at the school. The discon tent that the students have thus far shown, has been on account of the Military drill. Even here it has been slight. Hence the cry of insubordination in the University has been without foundation, and is a dis grace to the man who will allow it to ap. pear in the columns of his paper. Nor must this discontent, as slight as it is, be mis judged. It is not on account of any mem ber of the Faculty or of the Board of Re gents; but on account of the Military drill, and that alone. Students have cer tain tastes for study and prefer to choose that course which will satisfy their tastes. Let that one who sees more in a brass but ton than in a usetul book, pursue the Military course. He is a fit subject. The students do not underestimate the advantages that the Regents have pro cured for the University. Nor do they Intend to disobey any regulations that the Regents or Faculty see fit to make. But when those regulations become odious, and unnecessary students have no alternative but to seek other colleges. True the Regeuts have the power to regulate the government of the University; but whether they have the right to make one department compul sory upon all male students of the regular classes, and to compel the students to wear a prescribed uniform, may be ques tioued. And even should they possess such a power, they certainly, under the present condition of the state, would en. Vll'l I "J KVBttM m