Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, May 01, 1878, Image 15

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Editor-in-Chiefs, - - C. E. Sthatton & F. O. Mokton.
Associate Editor, Miss. Emma Parks:
Local Editou, J. II. Worley.
Business Manager, A. U. Hancock.
1 copy per college year - - $1.00. 1 column one insertion - -
1 " six months .... 0.50. 3 squares " "
Single copy 0.10. t " " "
AH articles for publication nhould bo addrcstfcd-Edltor IIe81eiuan Student, Stato University,
Lincoln, Nebraska. All subscriptions, nnd business communications, with the address, should
busent to A. U. Hancock. Subscriptions collected Invariably in advance. Advertisements col
lected monthly.
A sudden change in the management of
the Student brings us unexpectedly upon
the journalistic stage. Our surprise how
ever is but momentary. Wo glance at the
periodicals around us, and recover, to re
alize in part, the responsibility ol' our
position. Though somewhat inexperi
enced in the work to be accomplished, we
nevertheless hope to learn from the attain
ments of others, and to improve by re.
peated efforts. Inexperiancc may be no
excuse for an inferior journal, yet with the
best of knowledge one may make a com
plete failure. Diligence may acquire a
certain degree of perfection, while talent
sleeps by the way.
The Student thus far has been prosper
ous and progressive. Willi other college
papers it compares favorably, and in this
position we will endeavor to maintain it
As formily it will be conducted for the
benefit of the students and in the interest
of the University. It will be the champion
of no single society or faction, but will be
open to all connected with the institution.
It will not be our aim lo confine the
Student strictly to the discussion of col
lege topics; for we do not consider this
alone to be the mission of a college journ
al. As college life is but a preparation
for practical life, so the college paper
should tend to the discussion of practical
We desire Ihe Student to be the repre
sentative of thr students in their literary
ability. But to this end we need their earn
est support. There arc many students in
the L'nivcrsit, who can and do write well;
and could they realize the importance of
a college journal and aid it accordingly,
the question of sustaining it would at
once be derided.
The Student would indeed miss its
aim were its contributors not to furnish
their best productions. If one would
achieve any measure of literary success,
it is necessary that he spare neither labor
nor pains.
Under the management of two editors-in-chief,
the Student enters upon a new
career. Though there was some opposi
tion to such a manner of conducting the
paper and many misfortunes predicted,
we shall endeavor to avoid all dangers
that may arise and to make the experi
ment a success. Let all students then ir
respective of society and class affinities,
freely assist us In this undertaking with
their prompt and efficient support, and
with this encouragement, we will feel