sao TlIK TIDK OK CIVILIZATION. Vol. vn, 4 'i li MWirWaM VMi tion they were much retarded hy wars with new hands of immigrant. If defeat ed in these, they were again compelled lo commence the subj ligation of new terri tory. If victors, they received a new stock of their original harharism which threatened to overwhelm what little im provement had been made in mind or in manners. Hut notwithstanding thee dis advantages where did Cork1, find them? In u city the architecture of which would have done credit to a nation of Europe; surrounded hy palaces, treasure-houses and arsimals; prolicicntin sculpture, met allurgy and other arts; computing eclips es and measuring time by the solar year. Their women educated in reading, writ ing, arithmetic, music and astronomy. This change can he due to nothing but the nuturc of the country, and the decay that followed is as clearly due to Europe an cruelty and the incompatibility of the alien races. And this decay lias furnished us striking examples of the change in the race. The generalship of King Philip, the oratory of Logan and the diplomacy of Tecumseh are in everything Syrian ra ther than Turanian. The government of America must ever be essentially democratic. Does democ racy develop or degrade the intellectual and moral character of a nation One would think that to point to democratic Athens and republican Homo would be sutllcicnt answer to this question. l)e mocracy in America, however, is the sub ject. That the United States has not taken the lead in literature, science and art is evi dent. That she has been willing in a great degree to accept the investigations and receive the theories of other nations can not be denied. But lo ascribe this to the form of government is wrong. It is due to the fact that hitherto more at tractive llelds of labor have been open to the American. Competition for wealth and for political honor has engaged Amer ican citizens, since the chance for success has been greater in these occupation than in arts and sciences, and because every fa. cility for following them is found hero; in these pursuits the first great contest takes place between men on equal footing. In the contest for wealth the result has been that in America we find the richest man in the world while the laboring classes arc in better circumstances than in any other nation. When the opportunities for eminence in these occupations have been lessened by the incieasing number of those who engage in them then will America turn to literature and the arts with o'irncst endeavor, and her pre-eminence in them will bo as marked as it is now in other occupations. Hut of our moral character. Opponents of democracy say that we have lost all chivalry; that we have no disposition for great self-sacrifice; that the loving ties which bound the retainer to his lord arc gone. Yes they are gone and I am thank Jul for it. If we are free from all the oth er pious marks invented for purposes great indeed must be our defects in other direction to counterbalance this improve ment. Our moral excellence in other re spects is now doubted. Only those who pre for the chivalry of the middle ages to the universal reverence of woman shown in the United States, question it at all. Those who admit that our inferiority in literature and the science of the pies out time is due to the supremacy of the money -making class, assert that the prom inence of that class will continue. I have no doubt commerce will always be a pow erful factor in our nation but in time here as in Athens, Home, and Italian cities of the middle ages, commerce from being the master will becomo the servant of the intellect. W. P. S. THE TIDE OF CIVILIZATION. If the feudal lord, after the lapse of six centuries, were to return to the site of his once happy home, his mind would be lost in the mystery around him. The walls Tftt&SSSSaSSESKffiKSWWttBnBBMBWKtfBnMBaBiHaMSB-HMW