1 f 9 i. flgffllgf i mm I'ffff'W NEBRASKA STATE I'NMVEKSITY. UM VI.BtSI TY FACULTY. E. IJ. FAIHFIELI), S. T. I). LL. I) , Chaneolloi. IF. E. HITCHCOCK, A.M., Prof, of Mathematics Donn of College of Literature nnd Science . S. AUG11EY, A.M.Pn, !., Prof, of Natural Sciences. GKO. McMILLAN, A. M., Prof, of Grook Language and Literature. . 13 OHUKOII, A.M., Prof, of Latin Language and Literature. HIltAM COLLIElt A. M. L. L. 1)., Professor ofChomlstry and Physic. KDtiAK S. DUDLEY. Profcssorof Military Science and Tactics. IIAIIUINGTON EMEliSON, A. M., Prof, ol Modern Lnnguages. G. E. WOODHEltltY, A. II., Prof, of Rhetoric, English l.itoratnrc, and History G. E. BAILEY, A. B., Assistant Professor in Chemistry. HAHVEY CULBEHTSON, IJ. A. , Teacher of Agriculture. ELLEN SMITH, A. M., Instructor In Latin nnd Greek. C. B. PALMEH, A. M., Principal of tho Latin School Department. uxiveksity or b;i;k vii v. ADMI.MOX. Student" of huth Kuxct (ire admitted lot hr Uni versity on passing the riMiul-dic examinations. TUITION. A feu of $5 Is paid us a matriculation IW uNo i'i to meet Incidental fNpoiii-o. Hook at cost. APPARATUS AND LI lilt A KY. Tho University Is ahiiudautly supplied with now and valuable Apparatus, iu with the ('IipiiiI cal and Philosophical departments. The Library, already largo. is increasing annually, by tho nilili tlon ot valutthlo books. AGHIOULTUltAL COLLEGE. This College now oilers special attractions, by Its course of instruction and compensated labor on the (arm, whereby student expenses may bo paid. HOARDING. Hoarding can bo had from $!) to $1 por. week. CALENDAR. Tho Winter Term commences Jan. S, 1878 Tho Spring " " " March 'i7, 1878. For circulars and other Information in respect to University, address. E. IJ. FAIItFIELI), Chancellor. Lincoln, Neb 41 V a M