M 280 LOOAI, Nkws. VOI,. VII, wSSS Prof. Bailey, J. II. Harlcy, Lieut. Dudley, Mr. Onklcy, Frank Paries, on concluded to sco an end to the fight rather than go to their arithmetic class. Mrs. Soulo's lecture to the. students was a very rare treat. The education of woman and the co-education of the sexes were presented in an ahle manner, Sho maintains that tho education of women is just as essential as that of man, and that the higher education is also necessary to real success in life. Tho memhers of the Lincoln Itillc. Association met in Lieut. Pudlcy's room for a permanent organization. A perma nent team was organized with tho follow ing officers : Prisident. Sen. Vice President. Jun. Vice President. Treasurer. Sccrotary. -There is to bo a literary contest bo twecn the University Union and Palladian Society, Friday eve. Feb. 22, in the Uni versity chapel. This exhibition will proba bly be thebost entertainment ever given by tho students. The performers are the best from each society, and we think almost equal in ability. We bespeak a good an dience for this occasion, and insure a pleasant and profitable entertainmout for those who come. The Palladian Society started this term with a good audience and perform ances to correspond Miss Fairfield, the retiring president, addressed tho society with a few appropriate remarks, intro ducing J. II. Worley, the president elect. The stage performances were very good, although not numerous. Messrs Mercer, Hartman, Magoon, and MissSehuokman discussed the question: "Bosolved that a union of tho dillcrcnt creeds would tend to tho advancement of Christianity." This was one of tho most lively debates the Palladians ever had. Tho University is an almost ontiroly new building, or itseemsso from outward appearances. The new limo-stono founda tion; the fresh painting and striping of the building give it a very fine appearance on the outside. And not on ly has it an imposing appearance, but with such a foundation it is substantial. Within, the work of repairing lias been extensive; gas-pipes are iurnished to all the occupied rooms; and the chapel, with a number of other looms, have been kal sominod. In a short time the chapel will be furnished with chandeliers. Wo shall soon haTO to bid farewell to our beloved workmen who have made such lively times for us during the last four months. It has been such a source of joy to us, while in class, to hear a half dozen men hammering on the roof, two or three tearing up the floor in tho hall, a number more putting up scaflblds in the chapel, and perhaps another pounding with all his might in the room just above, if you happen to bo on the second floor, with an accompaniment of the pi ano and some melodious voice. This is music too enchanting for our uncultured ear to appreciate. For some reason there are only a few students studying military Tactics this term. Perhaps this is because they think that they have not time, but this should not hinder any one from aiding to build up a military department in our Universi ty. If the Bogonts had not thought it would be a benefit to the institution, such a department would never have been in stitutcd, and the expenditures for arms and equipments would not have been made. The requirements in this depart incut are not numerous, and the exercises are pleasant; and every student who takes a part, especially in drilling, will feel bet tor for it. A Ni:w Educational .Touunai, Wc learn from tho Kearney Presa that Hon. L. B. Fi field, one of the Begcnts of the Stale University, proposes to issue next month the first number of a bi-weekly journal, devoted to educational and liter ary manors. Price 1.00 a year. Wo know of no man better fitted to make such "HS8i