Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1878, Page 285, Image 25

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    No. 1.
LooAii News.
A. II. Waitt gives students a liberal
discount when they trade with him.
Those great piles of stono and dirt
that were around the University last term,
arc nearly all removed.
That hig Soph, who broke one of
our window lights must put in a new one
or the foreman will be after him.
The Sophs, have been talking of dial,
longing the Juniors and Seniors to a snow
ball flight in front of the University,
when the first snow falls.
When you come to visit the Univer
sity, bo sure to call at Prof. Shutter's stu.
dio and sec his beautiful paintings, and
the work that his students aro doing.
A certain Soph., who has lately started
a mustache, says that a young lady in tho
A G class kept looking at him so
closoly that it attracted tho attention of
the Prof.
This number of the Studbnt was some-
what dolayed by an accident at tho olllcc
where our press work is done. One of the
forms was pied, which caused extra work
for the typos.
-If Prof. Woodbury's rhetorical clas
scs are disturbed by the noise above, tho
Prof, will remember that a paper cannot
bo run successfully without a good deal
of noise.
One of tho Props,, who is not addicted
to early rising, in his haste to get to school
forgot to put up his suspenders. His sad
mishap was not observed until he had en
tered tho Univesity.
Wo were wrongly informed about the
University Union changing their name.
This change was made in a committee of
the whole, but when it comes before the
socioty will probably not bo adopted.
Prof. Bailey has been absent from
his classes for several days on ac
count of illness. We hope that the Prof
essor's illness will not bo protracted, and
that he may bo with his classes soon.
Mr. McLean, our janitor, has had
much extra work since they commenced
work on the University last fall. Wc
Rympathizc with you, George; but toil on
a few days more and you shall reap if you
don't give out.
A Prof., while lecturing his class on
hygiene, said that if ho had not observed
tho laws of health very closely, long since
lie would have been dead and some
where else. Prof, did not tell where, and
students arc in doubt.
Students and every body buy your
candies of Tomson. They aro so fresh,
so sweet, so nice and can bo bought at a
very low price. Will have on hand in a
few days a car load of fresh pine-apples
and bananas direct from New Orleans.
E. G. Clements has purchased all the
Nkoativks belonging to the gallery of
V. IT. Young and is prepared to tako du
plicate photographs from the same at low
prices. Students and all give him a call,
Photograph cm, North-east cor. of square.
The Editor has just received a veyr
valuable present from the Union Society.
A lino cushioned chair with one short leg
is this valuable gift. If that leg is length
ened or the others sawed off, it will be n
very comfortable chair. Thanks to tho
Of all tho pleasant places we have
ever been in our sanctum far surpasses
all. When one typo is singing, "Oh 1 dear
what can the matter be," tho other, "John
Brown had a little Indian," and the devil
yelling tor more copy, the pleasure is in.
Wo arc glad to mention the call of Mis.
scs llolbrook, Johnson, Ransom and Hall
at our sanctum. Tho editor's weary brain
was rested for a while, and the deyil
himself, grinned slyly ovei; his shoulder
when the young ladies remarked tint the
typo was all wrong sido up.
Two of our younger boys got into a
dispute in chapel which ended in a rcg
ular knockdown after they went down
into the basement. When tho boll rang
for recitation, the boys who were lookers