Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1878, Page 278, Image 18

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Vol. vir,
21 ! i
there is no royal road to learning is em
phatically true hem. Years of constant
and patient attention alone can accom.
plish it. Like manners, it cannot be
taught directly, as other branches of
learning. In the University this is, per
haps, in an especial sense, the province of
the instructor in English, but we would
suggest that every study be made incident
ly tne study of our mother tongue. If wo
can accomplish other languages only by
neglecting our own, the reward will hard
ly justify the sacrifice. Then let it be
deemed not only the privilege, but the
duty of every professor to call attention to
errors in English, whether used in con
ncction with the classics, chemistry, or
the calculus. But most of thelaboi must
devolve upon the student himself. And
the one comprehensive rule is never to
pass a word in study or reading without
knowing its orthography, its signification,
and last but not least, its pronunciation.
There aro those who do not seem to
distinguish between amusement and rude
ncss. They fail to enjoy what is not more
or less rude nnd boisterous. This ele
ment has gradually insinuated itself into
the University, and its influence must
soon be felt. "Wo arc sorry to note that
this clement is not confined to the lower
classes nor to those who have lacked op
portunitie.s of culture.
We refer not to the novice, whose em
bnrrnssment is sometimes painful, but to
the wiseacre who thrasouically thrusts
himself upon us. This conceited self
satisfied individual is always at hand.
In the literary society he ridicules and
derides that which, for want of capacity,
lie cannot appreciate. At the sociable he
seeks to attract attention by boisterous
ncss, because his insipid conversation
would consign him to neglect. In chape,
lest for a moment he should be forgotten,
he resorts to throwing books or torment
ing his neighbor. In the recitation room I
hu shines less brilliantly, but even here
he frequently makes words supply the
place of thoughts. On the street he is al
ways ready to insult any one, whether
it be a student, professor, regent or a
The influence of this element has grown
to such proportions as to ultruct the at
tention of the faculty. The excessive
rudeness at the last sociable brought the
matter more forcibly before them. "What
shall be done? Shall sociables be forbid
den? It would certainly be unjust to de
prive all of the advantages of sociables on
account of the rudeness of a few. On the
same principle chapel exercises might be
discontinued, because every week scenes
occur there which are a disgrace to the
University. Of course professors can see
but little of this in chapel, put they fre
quently see enough to produce u blush of
The number of those who represent this
element at present is small they may be
counted on the fingers yet this influence
must be checked.
What course then remains? We believe
the only true course is to excuse from far
ther attendance those who persist in such
a career. They are doing themselves no
good. They are impairing the privileges
of others. And sooner or later their influ
ence upon the University must be felt
with telling cllect.
Piioceedinos ok the Boaud of Regents.
The Board of Regents met in the
Chancellor's ofllce December 18, at 2
O'clock P. M. President Tattle in the
chair. All the members except Regent
Gannett were present. The minutes of
last meeting were read. Secretary Dales
made a report which was referred to th"
finance committee.
Regent Tuttlo introduced a resolution
for the purchase of a printing press for
the use of the Student. The committee
on University and library having reported