i' !27fi Editomam Vol.. vrr, '! t I m) iBKFMOT OF J.LEJ)GKS ON GUAR AGTISll. ' '(jliiiiiiclcr is a product (if slow bill oer. lain growth. Words, notions and look constitute wlint wo call cluirnctcr. But as the same elements, differently arranged make up the sparkling diamond and the dull coal in the grate, so the same el emchts may form choraolcrs wholly differ I'ht. Character is the waxen tablet upon which every word, notion and thought leaves its impression. All these have an influence for good or evil upon character. What then is the effect of a pledge? Does it tend to enno ble and strengthen or to debnsc and weak en character? The will is the great factor in character. If then the will is subordinate to circum stances, we cannot affirm Hint any charac ter Is good or evil, that any notion is rignl or wrong, Both alike are the result of necessity which knows no right, no wrong. Hut however logical may he the doctrine of necessity wo are nil conscious of the ability to do or not to do. Then there is within us, as a throned monarch, that which we call will. Ah the soldier is strengthened by every victory and weak ened by detent, so the will by every trl umph grows stronger and loses ils firm ness by defeat. So a pledge, when kept, tends to strengthen diameter, while if broken it weakens it. But the possibility of defeat ought not to restrain us from the contest. If none entered the lists hut those whose success is sure the race would soon be abandoned. There is a time to consider, a time to determine and a time to act. Coinmuni ties and states in their calmer moods lay down certain general principles, curtain pledges which are to control them in times 61 excitement and commotion. So in the individual there are times when he sues more clearly the path of' duty, and feels more keenly the Impulses for the good, the noble, and then is the time to lay down the controlling principles, A the tmiffiia charta of character. It may he said thai pledges are Inconven- ient and troublesome; that when we pass the boundaries of our unlive land we find customs different from ours, and then pledges would be a restraint. But a pledge should never be taken except in i matters where some principle is involved. And when one has fully determined that if any cusiom or habit is wrong, lie ought to shun it alike at home and abroad. If we i should go to China we need not become . addicted to cpiuin. If we should visit i France we need not become lecherous. 4, And so if business or pleasure should call us to Germany we need not indulge their national vice beer drinking. And that character which indulges a vice f merely for the sake of fashion is scarcely worth the saving. But doo. not. a pledge U destroy freedom? Yes. So does filial ( affection destroy the freedom to do vio lence to an aged parent. Why should we it prize so highly that freedom which ren ders our own destruction probable? I cannot, conceive of a true ehnraotei without pledges either expressed or iin plied. The whole social system is noth- lug but a series of pledges. Pledges are I the foundation of all government, nation- al, local and individual. ' So not only are pledges beneficial to character, but. true character cannot exist without them. As the mariner has cor taiu fixed points and lines on his chart, mo each individual should lay down cardinal points and fixed principles of life. All men of true character are pledged to sup. port the true, the noble, tho good, and to shun and oppose the false and the base. Sthay TlIOtlOIITS. The work of a well regulated literary so ciety is scarcely second to the regular studies of the college, currjoulum. If in the class-room mathematics furnishes the granite foundation, Latin the marble col. urnus, and Greek the rich entablature, it