Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, January 01, 1878, Page 271, Image 11

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    Sse " Irnw'ifMVTnTlmftHllirWflTWllHIIWB k
No. I.
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whiuli is taken for grunted in your case
take u "steerage" piissuge. "A steerage
passage! Why, is that tolerable, or even
respectable?" methinks I hear you ex
claim. Perfectly "tolerable," and "even
respectable" I assure you. Certainly one
will not enjoy nil the com forks and lux it
ries of the "saloon" passengers. He will
also be compelled to associate with peo
ple of the under classes, but if he be a true
man and a genuine student, this fact will
by no means lessen the attraction, nor de
tract from the respectability of the under
taking. In fact, the jo'liest, liveliest, and
most interesting people on shipboard
will be found on the forward deck all
the revelry and side-splitting fun origin,
ate there. Most likely, if you possess Ihe
least spark of nature and love for the "Com
edy" of life, you would spend two-thirdsof
your tim e here, were you a cabin passen
ger. Tlie accommodations are plain but
sullicicut; a berth in the cabin, for which,
however, you furnish your own bedding;
this can be rented at a moderate cost of
the steward; food, plain, substantial, clean
and sulllcicnt. You must, however, fur
nish your own apparatus a tin plate and
basin, a knife, fork and spoon, and you
arc abundantly equipped! Though you
must forego luxuries for u few days, you
will have one groat consolation, purlio
ularly, if you are a "landlubber" truv
ersing the "raging Main" for 'he first
time: your somewhat tumultuous stom
ach will not be in a favorable condition' lo
cuvil at the quality of the viands! The
cost of a steerage passage by the "Red
Star Line " to Antwerp is only $2;j, while
the cost of " Second Cabin " is iJOO. I as
sure you one could not earn 37 :n easier
or more interesting employment ; besides,
the unique experience will constitute one
of the liveliest chapters in your biog
raphy. On the continent travel third olaxs, both
by rail and boat. You need not be" at til
alarmed about your dignity; the great
inass of the travoling public journey in
this manner. You will have as your
neighbors in the third class coach repre
sentatives of every grade of society, from
the fat liauerinn, or peasant woman, with
her market-basket, to the learned profess
or with wife, son and daughter. The
rates of fare are about one, two and three
cents, respectively, for third, second and
first class. To be sure, the cars arc rough
and uncomfortable but then ttpaysl By
rigidly observing this ono point alone,
you will lessen the whole expense of your
tour by a third.
Never purchase a "through ticket"
across the line from one country into an
other. It is usually 20 per cent cheaper,
to purchase tickets from boundary to
boundary. For example, a through ticket
from Vienna to Munich costs about four
Marks more, than to take a ticket to Sim
bach on the Bavarian line and then renew
to Munich.
But here comes the tug of war! How
shall one safely run the gauntlet of cab
men, guides, and hotel. extortions V Here is
where men's souls are tried, particularly,
if the said souls be of an economic turn.
No sooner does your foot touch continent
al soil, than you must organize yourself
into a miniature " Dodge Club," a la
James DeMillo, swear allegiance to your
self, and declare unrelenting war against ex
tortion in all her Protean shapes; and you
will have occasion every day of your life
to test your fortitude. The hospitality
one encounters is decidedly of a Scythian
character, and would do credit to the King
of Tauris himself; strangers are counted
legal spoil, not only by the Italian Jehn
or " Cathedral guide." but even by the
respectable Gorman merchant, who will
ask you quadruple prices for his wares
with infinite serenity. That other rare
and much extolled virtue, Truth, assumes
here also a classic form, being of the
Carthagenian species.
The fact is, the best way to deal with
these kind-hearted and interesting cater
ors to your comfort, is to have nothing at
all to do with them. Provide yourself
with w good guide-book; the inevitable