Fashionable TTonsorialiKt. Work tlonu with nuiitnaxa nail illnpntuh. llTII MT., SOUTH OK O WBsT SlllH, LINCOLN, - XtillllASh'A. N. II. Makes n specialty of trimming ladles' mill children's luilr. Family Groceries. An Good um the Bent, An Olicup its tho OIiciipoMt, AT OHIKKITH llKOS.' Corner or lOtli anil 1' Struct.-. A. D. MARSHALL & CO. Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in Coal, Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris & Hair. West Side Market Square. LINCOLN, NEHHASKA. A. M. DAVIS, Wholesale nml Ifciail Dealer In Carpel, Oil CIoIIih, Itug, .Hats, lVlHtiotrliiirtr, I. net Uurtntn) iiiinm., AV. AV, No. 2tt. E. 0 Stukkt, Lincoln KD A. CHURCH. WALL PAPER. A lnrjje -.lock of Wall Paper of ull shades nml stylos kept constantly tit limiil. This Ip our specially. O Slreel, hul. lltli ami l2ili Sir..,., LINCOLN, NKII. W. K. . CAI,IWKLL. dealer in Hard and Soft Coal. Ili'iitlng V Cook Ntovo. Tlnwnr', Needs &n, , Mnroln, .'t Laides will do well to cull in the Misses M. fc . Gallagher Dtdlers In Millinery, I'aiMiy (Sootlx, Flowers, Itllifcons Hosiery, Tics, Corsets, Are. JSyi.atost Stylo- nml lowest Prices. (). Street throe doors east of llth, Lincoln. lo Hi! 111 tJoodn n Sfifrnliti, BAKERY ! ALSO Staple'and Fancy Groceries Confectionery, Canned Fruit, Kesi Sprinuiid Fall Flour M. A. UUKICK, North Side Market Siiiiure, Mncoln, vYcbraska. TUTTLE & DOOLITTLE, Dealers In Isinnbrr, B)oors, Glazed Sash, lilinds, MoultUntjH and ituUdintj .Material Generally. Olllce Cor. 11th & M stis. Next iloor V. S. Lund Olllcc. Lincoln, Nob. gabiilul icamsoksiiek, Cutter, Fitter and Tailor, SulU of Alt Kinds Made to Order. la tho.liitcst stylet), unit satisfaction guaranteed Olotliijb cleaned ri'iaired on short notice, ANli AT T1IK MOST IlKAsO.NAIU.K HATES. Went Side of Market Square, T. A'endrlk'n Old Stand. Lincoln, Nob. B. fc iM. It. R. Time Table in Nebraska. Puss. Ar Mall going Kast, itrrlvoH li!:10p. in. ' " " leaven l'J:35p. m. ' West arrives 12:.'50 p. m. ' ' leaves 12:50 p. in. Acrotnnioilntion going Went arrive 1 :20 p.. in. " leaves 1:55 p. m. " Kiibt arrives 11 :05 a. m. leaves 11:35 a.m. 5::io p. m. 7:00 p. m. V. '. 'ZIICMKlt, Ticket Agent. Hrolght