235 Natuke and Ajit in Intki.lkct. Vol. vi, m r te and then leaves him a free agent to com. pleto the building up of his own intellect, ual structure. This enlargement of intel. lect is a slow, gradual, hut, if proper means bo used, u sure process, and in the human race as a whole may he for aught I know to the contrary carried on ad infin nitum. With the pool we believe that, " Through tho ages one increasing purpose runs, "And the thoughts of men arc widened as the process of tho suns," but no such unlimited development of in tellcct can take place in tfie individual, at least not in this life, and -with intellect afler this life I pietcnd not to deal. Man can only reach a certain point of intel lectual excellence, when the elements of decay in his physical organism begin to weaken and impair his mental faculties. The point at which the intellectual powers of a man begin.to deteriorate differs as the individual. In some men it is as early as thirty, in others, foity and fifty, while others still retain all their power of mind even until seventy and eighty. Again, no unlimited enlargement of in tellect can take place in the individual even up to the time when his natural powers begin to be impaired. Every in. tellectual horizon is to some extent cir cumscribed. Some men, for instance, might study mathematics, enlarge their mathematical vision, until the end of life, and yet never be able to comprehend Newton's Princiyia; while other men might spend a life time in studying the philosophy of the human mind, and never be able to understand the metaphysics of Socrates. No more can any sort of art make the average intellect approximate in size that of a Cuvier, Bonaparte or Web ster. The quality of human intellect may be also, to a certain extent, improved upon by human art. The child at school is a good illustration of this. In its case it is evident that not only does intellectual growth consist of enlargement of intel .ectual quantity, but likewise of improve- ment in the quality, and the whole is in eluded in that forming to which the poet has reference in theoftcu.quotcd passage 'Tis education forms the common mind." But while art may enlarge intellect and improve its quality, it cannot but in a limited degree change it; or, in other words, intellect will not undergo any com plete transformation and appear under totally new and distinct form. The man who seems specially adapted by nature for the study and practice of law, might without doubt make a physician of him self, but lie could never attain to the degice of excellence in the latter profes sion that he might in the former, because it is quite impossible for him to change that natural bent of his own intellect which fitted him admirably for success as a lawyer. Nature sets her stamp upon every intellect; to attempt to change or obliterate this work wcic only to attempt an impossibility or else to impair intel lectual power. Nature intended Thomas Edward, a poor shoemaker of Aberdeen, for a naturalist. Remonstrance in child hood, the being apprenticed to a shoe maker in 30MI1, and poverty which com polled him to labor haid at his trade in manhood, all failed to change the natu lal adaptation of his mind for natural science, lie became a naturalist in spite of every discouragement and diliiculty. It is impossible for art to change or oblit erate the stamp which Nature has set upon such intellects, for she has shaped them for a special purpose, and all that human skill can do is to enlarge and improve them. That education which shapes common minds would scarcely have restrained Agassiz from becoming a naturalist, Byron from becoming a poet, or Henry Shaw, alias Josh Billings, from becoming a writer of funny paragraphs. Such men have only one talent, but that one is excessively developed. Perhaps they are not wiser than men who can boast of more talents, but yet they are more likely than the latter to make a Jv