Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1877, Page 250, Image 18

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. fl. No. 10 Editowals. 250
k'ork whicli promises such men-
When so 11111113- n,(JI -' J011-
books upon almost eveiy
have cosl them most nidu.
ico h there that a new
out ofthc-way
hcsuccced, he
vim to
own style, just as his own nose, ami it is
neither christian-like nor polite to mll
one on one's nose." Undoubted-,, critic
isms arc often made upon these rhetorical
essays which aie unjust, because of the
difference between the nature and taste of
the student and that of thcPiofessor. Hut
yet, while admitting this, we must ac
knowledge that there is such a tiling in
literary composition as style with its rules,
limitations and governing principles, and
with which every student should become
familiar, acd in a measure be governed
iy. Every artist, however much a genius
list study the principle-, of his tiade and
by those 11101c experienced than
If. '.No matter how brilliant -in ora
an may natural be. he must stu
- u-ie 01 outers, ami piout tiieieny
'wilu become skilled 111 oratory.
lib writers. Thcj must learn
by 8tud3'iiig the principles
the style of other writers.
oir own productions re-
'itiftfl Wlilnic s.l ........
'.3l.lt fllllblil Ml ll'lll'
iticisms ofuJohuson,
.-Wllipplc, etc., etc., and
1 reviewers, but the
of our colleges ma3
KT 71Hr. t-MBi.
a h. MBf
Ke 113HBflb 1Hq3bLJu
n ifmHii' hhaLl
Hwm sHRS' Buumt
'9BkKb& " 4Hk.' "EffiKAllUal
njKH' lk ' oiHHIHS
KUfSBHL ,Huglit
W- V "ex -tiK. k. HIHr !
-SHL sjl 'aK' WTB
R aHL "alt "SH.
HL. HL iHfevf !BHh&I?
S Ez&7tin. 2 BtewTJlSMBiKSVWVT"
tHRE .rnw - , - e .- -aiwje-
HByssk "k- w t
HHK lam- 'wJ9Hra& mil-
Bkwq wt , TC9mWW MnMTTT
1 m ;V liaMfe&gsiW
b iati - - fflWHHHB
HHk "WnHtM '' titer- ' "'''Br
lpfliK "rWmmM - "m1HIHnk'"igit
IF" 'Kk... IHwi "" TraraBOm
-K. jHHHWfe. yM- J. ,,'SlffllnBl
Hsr HlHBaBlHmr'-' n S0ir" yHSynff
He BB!ffAVAvBBBBvAvAVAKffiuCSS . 4vAvffir?vSBV&
J,.aKnVAVBHBBaBflH " n"'l9fflK
" -JHHBBMiiirllL --?----,,
icisms of the Prof.
k hi charger Alio
probabHitj- that
rhe 8tudcnt,.',with
)fisess,will be vit
tho style of. the
,ieculiar sti'le of
ty the study "of
iel AiigeJo was
tlb critic offer-.
his lavorite5,
ful of marble
ad re eel v-
ght up
in tiio