Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, December 01, 1877, Page 243, Image 10

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    Wit "inttiikfrlAilM y
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Vn.UAM Pitt
Voii. vi,
come tlio man ho did ? I would thai every
youth in the land hadsuen a father. So
deep was his sense of honor thai he
resigned his position in the government
when he wished to speak against some
measure, in order thai lie might not coin.
promise himself.
Again, when he was Tay mauler in the
army he had always great sums of money
about him which were in times of peace
uoL less than one hundred thousand
pounds, lie could have Used the interest
accruing therefrom for himself, which
was not considered disieputahle in those
limes. It was customary for foreign
princes receiving pay from England lo
give the 1'ayinaslcr a small percentage on
the subsidies. Both of those Pill scorned
to do. Such lidclity was not without its
oiled upon the masses of the people,
being at a lime ot o much political cor.
ruption, of such appliance of wealth to
private ends.
Ho was very haughty and commanding.
His ambition was great, but of Midi a
nature that it were well if all men were
actuated by the like, for he wished power
and inlluonce for the sake of doing his
country good. There is an incident
well illustrates the character of the man.
A certain naval olllcer, Byng, was being
tried for cowardice, l'ill was the most
popular man with (he people, but hated
by the King. The forces of the King on
sea and land were not iicceful, and his
Majesty vvas determined some 0110 should
sufler for it. Pitt, risking his position
and his inlluence, manfully defended
Byng, both in Parliament and before the
King. Me said to the King. 'The House
of Commons is inclined to mercy." " Sir,"
replied the King, "you have taught me to
look for the sense of my people in other
places than the House of Commons."
Though uttered in a sarcastic-.spirit, it yet
contains a .just and high uibute to I'itt.
From lb" ICing's dislike he was forced
from ollico, but public discontent was
biirh and the King wis obliged to re.
instate him. By fo'ining a coalition j
with the Duke of .Newcastle he became
Secretary of Stale and Leader of the
House of Commons, with full power in
conducting the wars in which England
and France were then engaged. Previous
to his ascension lo power, the British
army had been unsuccessful, but the
tide soon changed. Victory alter victory
followed in quick succession. The French
both on land and sea were conquered in
three years, France's navy was annihila.
ted, its colonies in India were lost, and
the provinces of Canada were taken. Pill
was considered the greatest man of his
time, and he made ICnglniu! the greatest
nation in the world. He was adored by
the people, but dreaded and admired by
all Europe.
He was created Furl of Chatham. His
acceptance damaged his popularity to
some extent, since without friends, with
out dignities or lilies, he had become the
first man of his country, and the people
loved to think of him as the "Great Com
moner." Bui a long eventful life was
drawing to a dose, and the disease, w hieh
had troubled him from early childhood,
was more painful, so that he was unable
to do niiich more in public life. He fell in
an apoplectic lit, occasioned by too much
exertion while making a speedi against
the dismemberment of the empire and
degradation of the power of Fnglancl,
Mid was borne home lo die in a few
rtieks. All parties and creeds united to
do him honor. He died in debt and
poverty, but a generous nation paid the
debts and provided for his family. So
passed away the most remarkable man of
English history, and as wc look back
over the pages of history no name shines
with clearer luster, or no one has a more
stainless or splendid one than William
Pitt. 3J. II. E.
,TBW . -