Lettish fiiom Gkumany. in ml oho looking tlown from above, stands dircclly over the rools oftlie buildings lie Imv Tlit castle itself is largo enough to accomodate eight or ten thousand people, .mil with Hs massive stono -.vails, and high towers extending upwards for a hundred M above the perpendicular sides of the iii'Hiiitain, looks as if a huudied men could have withstood the world, before Hie invention of gunpowder. Wo went through the castle, and were shown the giily decorated rnwms of Wolf Dietric, preserved us the' wore two hundred years ago. Wi also visited the tortuio room, which is about ten by twelve feet, -villi books ami pegs in the walls, on which to Cistcn the victims, but the implements of torture have all been removed to museums. The room in which the victim was im prisoned before lie went to the torture room, is a villianous looking place, and it nppears as if even the torture room would he a relief. It is about three feet high, tluee wide, and four long, with walls live Tect thick all around it, and one small hole uh.iut six inches square, to admit air mil light; so that when a man was put in lie liml tn curl up like a dog. After spending a couple of days very pleasantly viewing the sights in the city, we determined to climb Untersbeig, to get a panoramic view of the country. Our guide book advised us to procure a euide. but two Nebraskians who had traveled over the vast plains of tho west, where they could travel all day and neither see house nor road, could not think of such a "ling. So, starting at six A. m., wc nrriv ed at the foot of the mountain after an hour and a half of brisk walking. Snlz burg Iloher Thron, tho peak we proposed to visit, is 5871 feet abovo the sea. For a bout two-thirds of the way up, the ascent wasanangleofnbout fitly degrees. The ,Il'l pine, hemlock, spruce, and birch stood so densely that the suns ray's were totally excluded, except when vi came to " small opening where the timber had nil hecn cut down, or it wns too rocky to af ford sustenence for even the hardy trees of tho mountain. The day was very hot and sultry, so wo hailed with delight the cool mountain springs, that occasionally .sent their pure water bounding from rock to rock. We decided that the German might enjoy his nectar, (hitter beer,) undisturbed by us, if wo could always find such pure "drinks." At a third oftlie way from the top, we arrived at a "Sonnhulto," or shop herd's cot, where the German can got his glass of beer, and those who prefer can gel a glass of pure milk. From here, the ascent is wry dilllcult. Thus far it had been almost impossible to miss lh pntli, for the timber was so thick thai all had to follow tho same way, but now tho face of the country changed. Yege'ation became short and scraggy, tho path be came rough and stony, and in many plac es the angle of ascent was eighty degrees for li liml rods of feet; and the travellermust use his hands as well as his feet to assist in scrambling up the almost perpendicular sides. Here cacli one takes tho path that suits Iiis fancy, and it is often puzzling to tell when one is on the right track; but in places where tt is the most dilllcult to be got over, steps have been chiseled out of the solid rock, and in this way all are brought into the same track again. On the way up wc passed snow in the clefts of tho rocks, that for ought wc know to the contrary, is as old as the rocks them selves. Wo made a scientific discovery, that we will intrust to you as a very valu able secret. While resting in the shade of a pine tree, and examining the Geological formation iu the interests of science, wo discovered n vegetable substance, belong ing to tho cordalin species, and ropcalin genus, Imbedded in the Silvuriau rock, and wo haven't the least doubt in tho world but we can prove the evistenco of prehistoric mnn by it, but wo don't want to make It public until wo have consulted our old Prof, on the subject. After five hours of hard labor we reached the Mecca of our ambition, am' wo doubt if any of the faithful ever viewed the object of his pilgrimage, with if