21 no Kl ( IIMMI' VII I) "M l- oi i began to brush ilio snow I10111 it, ami to wipe oil' the blond with her handkerchief. 31 r. Raymond soon made liU appear arce, anil others, also, who had heard the driver's halloo, and after a word of con sultation together, it was decided that the wounded man should be carried into the house. Three or four men who were standing around then took hint up mid .bore- him into the same room which 2s ch Ho had left a moment before, and placed him upon the sofa. Dr. Uosncll was then called in, nola little surprised that his old friend should have met with such an accident so soon after parting with him at the hotel. After ex. amining his patient, however, he informed the frightened looUcrs-on that .Mclveo had only received a sevete cut on the side of his head a tlesh wound that would soon heal, leaving no faither injuiy than a bad ear. Hut the Doctor's prediction did not c.. actly prove true. The wound, together with a cold taken from Ijing in the snow on the evening of the accident, brought on a slow fever from which the .Judge did not recover until tluce weeks had come and gone. Dr. Hosuell visited his patient daily. At lirsl, because his sei vice, were actual, ly needed that often, and afterwards, when the sufferer had begun to convalesce, he cause he found opportunity to chat for awhile over by-gone college days. Aunt Jemima had told the Doctor secretly all about lliat " fellow .McKec " and hi-, do, perate flirtation with Nell" some, ten years before, or, that is to say, about the time her daughter Susan's first child, little .limmy, died, lint inasmuch as thu Doc tor had been of old a classmate and chum, we may infer that he was not entirely ig. norant of the matter. The jovial Doctor, tun. m i-mcd (,, . scheming at something, and perhaps this will account in purl fur his vi-iy liequint calls at the KiijinuinK' c-ill- for whiih I am positiw hi. or wr , Mll., ,i , ,i, pu When oppiitniii! p( i j, Mi, I ,. nun" failed to hint to IisS Nellie jn x sly way of the good qualities of the Judge, whom he had known for cai and hence his opinions in the m.ilici must bo taken as infallible. Om, he even went so far as to exclaim whin n,. one else but .Miss Nellie was in Inarm.', that it was a great pilv, a meat sliumo that u man of the Judge's woilti Mmiilil j be obliged to pass through life iisn forlorn old bachelor. Why, he actually diiln'i believe ho could exist a week without Anna. It would bring on dyspepsias quick as old cheese, and he would soon become so crusty that "the tai tness ofhi lace would sour ripe grapes " 31 iss Nellie had heard the Doctor talk before, and it is not to be supposed lliat she could see through all this scheming, or that she payed much attention lit what she probably considered as only tin Dor tor's interest in his patient's welfare, ll is a little singular, though, that Miss Iv'il lie should have taken so much puiihcuTv morning in arranging her rami tusc. which had long been kepi imprisoned, into long glossy curls. (Jin morning, too, at the breakfast table, her 1'atln-r, ouirv ing a red blossom probably fioia sonu house-plant among these same cnil, in quired whether the IhshiiMi hud clmiurt'd, that she should wear tlowcis in inhl-wiii. lor. Hut then people's tatns'aio conlinu ally changing, and these little innou tioiis are not to be wondcud at. As for the Judge, we do believe licit tin Doctor kept him at 3Ir. Uavaium!' week longer than there was anv call for. He would not permit him i go until In was peilectly well, for liar of a iehiisi'l the fever, or lest some vvci-c evil Ilia" that perhaps inighl befall him. Jhit ' the end of the thiid week the J)uiir could in) longer persuade the Judge thai 'l;o was not well enough to go hack t , and resume his iMolcssiniiallaljiii ' I have," s.iid the Jmbc. "spent Ilu uiiater part of this week liki om! J,'1"1 ImiIIi1.iv, sleigh liding. skatnii;, and cw iihi .iiuitsMiiuii that the bi-s gincralh