Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1877, Page 209, Image 3

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Pill SOI'lll
.v- the other classes. The avislocratic ! As to war itself, we need not speak, lis
M:iiningof the South also gave Ihein pou- result is well enough known, and let us
M.liecnuse it taught the masses to place now, in conclusion, briefly view llic con
in ih.ir hands all political control. He- dilion of the South since the war. Alain
iniptlir war, there I ore, the South was an J of us have impressions, more or less laKr,
urisiniracy in fact though not, pel haps, regard ing that seel ion as it is to-day. Th
in name. To an observer, our country
lircM'iilcd the appearance of two confeder
nicil nations lather lliaii of a true federal
union. The sectional differences were so
vtmngly marked and so antagonistic, thai
there was continual clashing between the
rival parlies. Under such circumstances
ivcii comparative harmony could not
long continue. It was evident, that either
one section or the other must finally sub
mit to the overthrow of its social fabric,
nr that our country must fall to pieces.
Slavery was the chief cause of discord.
The institution was upheld by the South
as llic corner-stone of Us aristocratic fab-
we; hut it was opposed by the North.
Though ii was inconsistent with our free
institutions, and was doomed, in case of
their further success, to extirpation, yet
the South thought its cotton industry
would be ruined should slavery cease.
The South, therefore, watched over this
institution with a most jealous eye, and
ltolicldwilh indignation the progressive
efforts of abolitionists. This and the oili
er social and political questions with
which the two sections were at variance,
nil contributed to mutual suspicion and
distrust. This was shown by the direc
tion of Hie great lines of raiLoad. These
mil East and West, not North and South.
Mr. Henry C. Gary, in an interview with
IVcsidenl Lincoln, expressed the opinion
Unit had the North and South been as
firmly linked together by railroads as
were the Hast and West, the war could
scarcely have happened. Mr. Lincoln
Mgreed with him. Now this lack of inter
eonununicatioii caused false ideas of each
"Hicr. This stale of things was cxaggera-I'-'l
and misrepresented by 'he extreme
lmriisaiiH of both sections. Their cllorls
weir very successful, for Micv fanned the
''mis of mutual disiiusl uiio a llinic ol
is little to be wondered at, owing o the
i diligence with which the issues of the
'war have, for low political ends, been
ikept alive. Those who berate the South
I scorn to alllliate with the whites of that
section. They seem to regard them, if
not as a subjugated people, at least asoue
scarcely to be entrusted with the right of
suffrage. They denounce Ihem as liiv-cal.
crs, in whom the spirit of rebellion still
lingers in full strength.
Now as to this alleged rebellious spirit,
these questions are pertinent: Are the
southern people superhuman? Can they
reasonably be expected to drop at once,
views that have ever ruled them? Is il
in accordance with human nature for ,i
vanquished people to feel otherwise than
downcast and sullen? Notwithstanding
all this, very many ol the southern whites
have accepted Hie result of the war in good
spirit. They leason in the words of Ucn
Longslreet: "Wo have made a square
stand-up fight; we have been beaten, and
now lei us make the best of il." No doubt
there is et a rebellious clement in the
South, but that il predominates we do not
believe. If it did, Hint section would be
another Mexico or Cuba. A barking dog,
it is said, never bites. In like manner, the
malicious partisan, whether he be North.
ern copper-head or Southern fire-eater i
little to lie feared. He may howl very
loudly, but when danger conies, ho slinks
away into a corner like a whipped our.
lflheSoulh shows no more moderation
it is not to bo wondered at. It has sutler
ed much from many sources. One of
those was the sudden emancipation of tin
slaves. Their liberation, justice demand
ed, yt the very abruptness of the act.
iv nV'. the war made inevitable, was the
cause ol untold uns.ii.iT Three millions
.il .lc-L'Mili'l bondmen win .iimiuimiM
Jii'ivi hostility