No. 0, Lccai, Nkwk. c M may be scon that when completed it will trcally improve the general appearance oi' ilic building. During the summer, tho re- Hirt was given credit that the University 1 tias in nn unsafe condition, but now we idievc tinit there is not the slightest rca- Mm whatever for being alarmed on thin. Iv'iio. Lot no one, then, stay away him- M-lf, or keep others away, on this ac- count. From basement to cupola, the en- tire building has been thoroughly looked mcr, and to-day the State Universi. ly stands linn as the rock of Gibraltar,' a Mnicturc as solid and an exterior as hand Mime as any in Nebraska. ATTORNEYS. N. ('. A1JHOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Pl'U-LlC-Olllce, corner 0 & 11th Streets, Lincoln, Nebraska. TERSONALIA. J. O. Sturdevant is in sokool again, after a protracted vacation. Mr. Albert Joyce has our thanks for vibstiiiitiul favors to the Student. Miss Rogers, of Omaha, makes week lj usits o the University, where she is n"v teaching u class in music. A. M. Appleget is now attending the l.iw .school at Iowa City. He reports liim wll'ns feeling "muchly at home." H. II. Culver has gone to Glendale, where lie now leaches the young idea, iimlcr the soothing inlluencu of the birch roil. (' .N. Little lias returned to .school, ilti'r an extended vacation. Ho looks well mil lesumes his studies with his old timu lKir. - L. Fosslcr's silvery voice no longer wakes the echoes of (he I'alladiau Hall. Ho has gone west to grow up with the uuiitry, uud teach school. - ('has. 13. Miigoon, who is now "bii. inu" the public in tho interest of the Oiun. 'in lire, mmlo us a visit recently. He will ii'Miinc his studies next year. - W. A. McAllister, of the class of '77, 's now attending school In (Junnniiy. lie "tnls the Stidknt an interesting letter, "huh In published elsewhere. It is an in. 'listing communication, and gives .con 'i'l table information about the Father i 1 "id We w Isli Mc much iirosncrlty, and Iniii that some ('ay he may return to his Ajiana mini lll'lld uluiliu wli.l'i- IV III 111 l Oil LTl lit II 111 .) !' SI 111)1 Til (!. K. AMOUV, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lincoln, Nebraska. OIllcu in Kinsman's Jilock. MEDICAL. L. J. BUMSTEAD, IIO.M(EPATIILST.-Onico nnl Residence on N street, three doors east of the Clifton House Lincoln, Nebraska. Opun at all hour. Nlyht Lamii. .M. . n E Y T I S T . Teeth inserted on Gold, Silcer and Rubber. All Work Guaranteed. Ofllco over Newman's store on O Street. (lletweon Tenth nml Eleventh streets,) LINCOLN, NEHEASKA. T. 0. KB UN, I). J). S., DLNTIST. 'IVulh IiiMirted on Cold, Silver. Continuous (iiini anil Ci'lliilnlil. Ofllcu over llmley's Drngstoie. Cor. 0 ,fc 11th hts. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. AmahaCoiiii, Pres't. John R. Ci.ahk. Cashier. .1. V, SiTuiit'Tii, Vice-President. First National Bank OK LINCOLN. .iufiorixcd Capital, HALF MILLION DOLLARS. DIRECTORS, Jons FirziiCiiAMi. J K.Ii.aiiu " I .... -.,....., .,....- ..,... - .-,,- is await linn ' Of.i Y. Conn