Lvo.o Eihtou's Taiu.k 227 I fLathcjknows but what once well learned, ilic lias forgotten. Educational. Voice. fresh, (affably to Soph.) "What do you 'hre this) ear?" Soph, (eagerly siczing Fresh's arm,) 'Well, Idon'l care if I do." -Ki. A Junior studied a friend lust week, by announcing the fact that his native town won Hip forty-second parallel of lonyi- An Observatory is to be built at Prince ln with a residence for Prof. Young at nclicd, which witli instruments is to cost fil.OOO. -"Can ou spell donkcj with one let hr?"asKed a silly young man of i bright firl. Yes she answered. ''U I"--Central Collegian. Syracuse University has had over 1,000 hound volumes added to its library since January. The cane rush resulted in a vie lory for the Sophs. How did Daphne differ from a Fresh man? The one was made green by desire -the other is green because he cannot help tt.Ncotcrian. Did anybody ever see Soldenc cat corn olFtliccob? X.Y.V. Herald. Ccrtxin. ly. We've seen her with an car at each end of her mouflr Ex. Vussnr College rejoices in the possession oftlirf, "Witthus collection of shells, which is valued ut $25,000, and contains 5,000 Mecies, and 10,030 varieties. The college library at Princeton num hei-H over 37,000 volumes. The Freshman class contains one bun died and tbirty-lwo members. Let us steer clear of the Texas steen wlicn he is inclined to run. Unless we ie bulls out of a gun and be is far in the rviw.Weiteni. Nebraxkian. A New England philosopher says he can't find out where the air leave oll'aud lie eurh begins. Let him .all baekwords Iroiu a fence and he'll Hud out Ikiiis-m ( illcyian. -Oxford Uuiu'j-jriO i thousand veai'H old. mid hns :t ti minimi ini'iimn nf ., . . ...v...w .,. one million dollars. It hus a library of live hundred and twenty thousand vol uninos. Baes Student. Wc never did appreciate Sophocles much until we read in his grand epic that 'Solid men have always solid noses'. Since Unit time our admiration for that man has steadily increased. Ex. It is nsscited by scientific writers, suys an newspaper, that the number of of persons who have existed on our globe since the begining of time aniouiiLs to CO, 020, 843, 237, 07o, 2o(i. Ex. Richard Grant white says, that any one who has any tiling to say that is worth say. ing at all, can make his own grammar. The ever ready man of the Burlington Haickcyc replies: "Richard, those is which we has always did." Junior. "I'll bet you can't repeat the Lord' Prayer." Soph'. "I'll bet live dol lars I can." Junior. "I take the bet; proceed." Soph. "Now I lay me down to sleep " Junior. "There, there, the money is yours; 1 didn't think you knew it." Ex. Scene in a recitation room: "Tnc an cient Egyptians were in the habit of sac riliccing led-hcadcd girls to the devil." Auburn-haired student: "What did they do with the red-hended boys?" Professor : " They supposed thev would go of their own accord." ? Yiiat's ix a Name? Once upon a lime at Chamounix, wc found on the bill of lure at table d1 hole, the words, pomme de terre a la robe do chambrc. Curious to learn what dish bore so remarkable name, wc sent the qaram for the mysterious eili hie; and lo I potatoes built d in their jacket. Diocese . The following definition for a kiss, which was given by an old mathematician will bo of interest to students in Geomc try He says.: "A kiss is an operation which consists in the approach of two curves which have the same bend as tar as the point of contact." This definition is btfst UllUClMOOll Wiicii I'ui ' i -"".-