.v 1 iit:- t. j i. i vm lr"i '!( Jiir jiki)c! Jet ' -naiiXtt iV uCili ,t J CKJUBiMWlD WnMthK. I: CrtK 4 k sf-x: .uJ jiuri ii AjVuIiijmiwc Tits I i -c; M-w&fBs. ?liu,tlj linfa.kis Tiwi -6-J : 4 vn QjxjJ-o- jaraciLsrjd "N Irtif StiiiJ' i OiK1 aJ'f, Jls 31 hm IJA-t MtttJi. U JSU9L iftm KlK 4'HIf;ilT i4 a. is- mit j& m muav j-uffiectts wer lire 4J -k. i i -wtirftrtv .tad aauttswes Mttsf ia ..at ic-.tir 31 iatfo fur smk rjii s Uiu n Lnv Irnan in the pu. We iw"a & k s-arjuisml if aamt kawald?e f IJ ati -j -sa xroJditMi ie foaad by cur kvIkts to ti mobsstiaT ia their ftiamiua ..Ma'- Lt omiacme. EDITORS TABLE. ' -: atuMjci si coating in frvui ;. r iljr coonUj. ligtaisg up Uie sncsun .'U J.ieir bright faces. bringing shhh1si lm.r c-.lgf i;fe from across the snow in-- .nuins of the "West, brewtcs from Uie fur At.wmc and sUhv south, while fitiul oun-K from llie roar of Niagara reach u ihr.)2h n exponent of Uie s.une. huluiuges are aluuys received and rtal whh pleasure. Tliey show what our iU-r schools are doing in lite field of JoutuxliMii, .nod give its an insisht iuioihe H-rkings of other institutions. Through llnrn we are able to judge of the literary iiiiity of the schools they represent, anil "t the individual force and power which i expended upon them. Among them are found widely different (.'luructeriMiej. Some have loo inanv ed-itor-, while others liue not enough. In tin- tirst case, as might be expected, the editorial columns are a blank as far as real merit is concerned, while in the lat. ter the want of more assistance is only too l'i duly been. Many arc mere organs of a party or cla'-s, and fail to represent the wsof all the students, thus losing skill "I one of the real objects ol a college pa in I ullljiincs iNC'BMijr, isJijii'iii ipwufc, ilh s!3iiaMr iataififllrsiij- v"i.-w:.7lf'v uii'. u Tii''i x-.h;"m .' t..!iI tic i ( J... i.rtr ifhwi'i mm ItitirnJ u.' - rs i , WW li'HO TJ1 RCik T 1 . K; ( I II im, -iLPCi 1 X ' . cnVTirriTis i f"V! i). s.i.,mnj w-s -jixjnji oiii-iicj . !! ,, i-)i( fowiw aUjaaauals 4 Ik s.aot jv.v ,xnw t'tx-t i tts pieaJy f Xhi'ck3rt oi . Uc ) rtrr, 5 kt s ia ki4tf Jis h ihc k, ;, nA cRffl'ini f 1k k-fiv, k J k. w W'tU'v JlstSBCf , Aiiuv. J1. vt n fcw JSji3 ihe giMiti an-ia of perfen ija. l llrrsv a wm :n 1avt lr v3 we jjrtwnwJIjsJwi, j 1 u is rvlK . s . .nwmwralm y a fjwi mirnt. wr havt iwr.di K hmr, m Ik? 'f slK OS's Tin i i .VoKt is ow tf lit aJCsJ pilS .v HI. oils IWAl llAs t J tiHlMti 1 s j ! fill lJ" -t Most of liiC A13; .7X i MIC JUi'i nNITxI. On l'."- W4j . . ;x -ti ai? '.-Jivkurxxti T 0,iUiJr, iii ,..i v"vinis:U " ; w".! villi u rtjti'iii..: Tl.o ..iior -f Mikt- i .. , Mn. tilts. " Jus titlcii) ''. MlMlm! 'iiHHv4 f '.J.o priiiciplts Ar.i opiuvM s i-f the lln lkl lusorsoll lisvsi:iu :iiin .ind iN'iufit s piiil)t The '' " is trlix .s. . w,!! j"i and well e.Httti jwiht. Am lulnvshi-c article eceiniig s lume Md oiii will serve to Piililitou Waihicd miiitls Considerable sace is ukoii up b a iHinnls of aiul otunimnis .m a dlsgTacrliii proceeding f the .liiuior class wmiKi have been wiser nt to luxe it s, much spare, which eotild hw Iktu IUi i tilletl, tti uch a matter. May the 7. y. over be a suecossfid interpret i " s u wish of the Sri iknt The JVWmm Cftityt" n'iiits ;.. .n tux month with its editoiial eoluunis tletitl of an piiitluiiit'iis whivh wmud lelltti honor on the idiiots lndiol tlmx is posilivili nothing in tin h.pi ol id do : S, I