Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1877, Image 14

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Ixkjai. Eniroit, - -IUwixess
- - A. U. IIaxiock.
3Iiss. Emma I'auk-.
- - - - C.V. C01.K.
J. 0. F. J1cKkmox.
1 copy per college year - $1.00.
1 " six months .... 0.50.
Single copy 0.10.
1 column one insertion - .
3 squares '
1 11 (i
All articles for publication t-lioulil be addressed Editor IIkm-kuijix Stuiient. Stale I'uhenltr.
Lincoln. Nebraska. Alt subscriptions, mid buintr coiiiintiiilcntioiiH, with the ddr. IobU
b Pent to .1. t. K. IcKi:rox. bubtcrlptions collected iuvurlably a advance. AdvertUcxneiiUtt!-Ii-ctcd
fessiou which he has made for himself mm
brt'threu ; for if the Editor of the Journal,
It hats come our time to make our exit and others in high standing, blundered,
from uirthe journala-ah: Mngc. So ivith Mustered, and made fools of themselves at
n-grctsaud sorrow we wield the Eaber once , the inception of their editorial work, tan
more, to hid the friends and patrons of the
Studkxt avail-bye. 'Ti needles to tell of
111:13' wo at the commencement of ounvoiL
he excused for even worse blunders. 10J
the pleasure and enjoyment we have had '" many failings he look.d upon witli
in performing this duty. Although we S"(1 degree ol allowance
have seen some glad mid Mime mad, we We are conscious of our o-.vn wed
June neverlliek'Ks been happy, and the'nesscs and want of such experience in
Sn jm.nt prosperous. AV cannot, howcv-! Journalism and editorial wotk, as i
er. l.iv .ih'uli! iinr tun ulib.iiii ,.ri,.i,.l;,,., needed in the cditiicr 'f cllw
our thanks, (small reward, it is trueA hut
it show s onr appreciation of the dlorts of
those who have hi kindly lent us their as.
hihtiince in publishing the Sti'iiknt.
Trusting that my xucccxMir will rccicve
magazine: lor a college paper, and uiox
especially one which U sitaineil by llf
students or the fir-st eduevional iustiui
lion in the stale, should be as nearly urn"-lc-s
in every respect as it j possible '
the .tune kind trentmeul from your hands 'make such a paper. In ..'!ir uonl "
and th.u the Sujiknt will lie long and jKhouhl represent in some : jrce ''-ealiili
be jirosjH-iotts 1 ,1111 us ccr, ties of the students of lb- nisiilu!ion '-j
K. I. IIoi.mkk which it is sustained. ISu' Hn lueinbeu
jof the "Hkm'kkiax Sti-ih t association"
l hnvc. seen tit ti annoiiit its t" 'his workf'T
Jjie bcMoi ttsivniHo siiperimtuiTi. jthe idiort period of lim
tiHTeiiiiig- J
l smart thai the foul didn't -tick out a lit
tle now ami lhc-11 i.l the siau" wlj,l the Ed
ilorol the Louisville Courier Journal in
onnn-lUiiii: Upon the sj rcimijlgHof u
l..ih. i,,l tlifM, fi . do niosj 'which huc been show"
h tilth tlni. klh.sL.1,1,,, ), ihHiuiiki.01 .fiicndsol Hit assoii.'
tween this and the 1st i J Jimmy. WKi
thoiiirh wc have accepted ih- pi",'l,,lutJ't
with so much rcluclaiiee u, xnmrw
.,,.. 1. .c.. r..r !.. in. 11.. 1 i I coufidW
tt bfW