Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1877, Page 216, Image 10

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"Am I k Vshi. on v Vkku "
Vol. vi
more ilfliirlil tiiuii we did ours The peak
that wo lmcl i cached was m narrow that,
any 0110 who n,jus lapid lnmsii, could
stand on Hi' fuiitro and by u single jump
descend a lliou.Mind fed on either side.
bYoni whole we stood Hit world scorned
spread out in minialiiio before us. ' Salz
liurtj that wo liud lull in the morning, lay
over four thousand loot below. Townuls
the norlli lies llio Ilavarinu plnine, dolled
over with bundled" of villages; the enlile
plaine olllier cultivated in. small Ileitis, or
grown to groves of limber, Ibul aro care
fully trimmed, and tended like u Held of
eoin at borne; and when lowed tbrougb
a Held glass at tbe distance of Ibirly or
forty miles loot; very much like coin
growing In tbe Held. Tbo Salnob river
can kg traced for u bundled miles, fiom
wbero it llrst appears in tbe soulb, whore
it comes pouring tin otitrli Ibe Luog puss
and winds along in its crooked course,
passing tbrougb .Salzburg on northward
as If anxious to escape from its own noisy
confusion into the quiet plains of Hava
i la. Ono can also see oil' in Ibe1 north
twelve or Hlteon. lakes, or seas, as tho are
called heio; vaiying in size Irom a good
sized duck pond, to a lake eight or ton
miles long and four or live miles wide.
Another bountiful sight is tbo loads which
aro all made of lime stone ground to pow
der, and are not laid out with any logu
larity, but wind and twist in a perfect net
work, 1 ('Hooting tbo sunlight like a
thread of silver, and thus bleak the mo
niolony of tbo green carpet that covers the
counliy. Towauls the oast and west aro
)ho sloping mountains, which, a low do
U'roos to win (N the norlli dwindle down,
into the plains: their sides covered with
small (arms, or forests, and at their bases
wind the mountain streams, whoso val !
leys aro dotted w ith Alpine villages. To.'
winds, the south rises the circular heads
ol hundreds of peaks, whoso summits
never come down below tbo line of per.
pound snow. There is a tradition be
lieved by tbe common people; that Un
'eisberg is hollow, aim on the inside aro
magnillccnl pal icis, Hue gardens, pure
spiings, .sparkling wan i bills, and liilWof
pure silver and gold. That it is inhabited
by u race of .small men with Inn? Honing
beards, who guard these treasiites
Then there are wild women dressed in
white, willi long (lowing hair, who tiro
constantly rushing around in the moitn
tain, to assist in guarding the trensuns
and they would probably not bo the most
pleasant creatures in llm world loencoiin
tor. Once a year these strange iiidivldti.
als foim in .solemn pi oecssion, march into
Salzburg, and woiship in the cntlicdial,
which is brilliantly iilumiuated, nnd one
bears all kinds of musical instiiuneiits
drunts, trumpets, (lutes, llfcs, etc. )ni
those who arc bold enouirli to venture
near cannot see anything. ThcgicntEm
porer, Charlemagne, sits asleep nt a
stone table, and lie has sal there so long
thai his board has grown twice nroumlllie
table. When it makes its thud ciicitil,
and the pear tree blooms on the Dancers
plaii.', then be will wake and bleak ooc
.with all his knights and followers, iiml
lake part in the great war that is to be in
progress Then is to begin the the limits
and years rest, or the Milleiiiiiin. We
did not see any ono who had ever seen
the lights, or heard the music, bill it is a
well authenticated fact thai the) lull ofl
on b2on seen and heard.
When I got stinted talking to my old
Iriends, I don't k..ow when to lake my
seal; so incase Mr. President onlls "time
up," I will bid you adieu. Mr.
Thoic are times in the history or na
tions and in the lives of indhhlimU1'1'"
a few short words express Hie abiding
conviction of a lifetime. A few short
words, uttered when the sentiments of tw
people are ripe, which become the spoil
taneous outlet of the feelings and pa
sions. Such words as "Jch Mn' ' U
servo) of the poor blind .loliunn ,rr