Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, November 01, 1877, Image 1

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Oul non I'roflelt, Deficit.
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V()l VI.
no. 9.
I For the Studkxt.1
(tli ecenes ofdcath;oh linrrhl mien.
Stidt as were ne'er by mortals teen.
Of lending cries, nutl wild ImiumiIn
Of lilnck unci charred tenement".
That once were buoyant with the any;
Hut lo, how soon enuie fatal day!
Who though, erewhllo that doomed train
Wa rushing mutely o'er the plain.
That ere the dnwn of coming day,
Yi-h. ere the twilight's hazy ray
Would usher out their lust days eve,
Kale usher them Into a gnu.
With frightful crash, ami quick as breath,
That train rushed headlong into death,
And on the earn of that famed night
IVuh'il hldlously low tones of fright.
And on the wings of turbed air,
Wan borne the pound of deep despair.
Death Mlllnefls reigned for ono briofspr.ee,
Nought heard but moaning wind apace,
When by the lips that then were hushed,
And not by shattered timbers crushed,
The dismal dell was roused and stirred,
And groans of dying ones were heard.
Kull many n hope was blighted then.
Kill! many a tear was shed in vain;
And many a longing then to take
Kach other from that burning lake.
And many a form was lowered thero
Low in its gruc, 'thout thought or prayer.
J. (' V McKesson
the south.
A country is seldom an harmonious
whole. Il may contain ono nntion only,
or several, tint in either case the habits,
customs and interests of its people vary in
diU'crcnt sections. This diversity is a
fruitful source of internal commotion.
The relations which aviso from it present,
therefore, problems of great social and po.
liltcal importance.
Our country is an example of this truth.
Sixteen years ago, a war broke out be
tween the Northern and the Southern sec
tions of our country. It proved despcr.
ule and bloody because each side content'.
cd for interests, both private and public
which it deemed of the highest impor
tance. The uprising of the South was a
failure and comparative peace was Anally
restored. We say comparative pence and
wc sny it purposely, for though the opera,
tions of war ceased, yet the thoughts and
feelings, which the war had brought out
and intensitied, were too deeply seated to
lie blotted out by its mere termination
This event, therefore, found neither sec
lion fully reconciled to the other, and for
this reason the whole country has suf
feral ever since. And further, as if the
natural .-Heels of the war was not bitter
enough, the real attitude ol each sectionj