MHWMMMMMMMHMBBBBBWrMHBKHBKEMfiffBisSS! t IN I' h r I ! Commercial Hotel. IDmikIiui House Knliire;ol.) .. J. IMIIOFF, - Prop. Newly Furnished Throughout. Convenient Sam ple Hooiub for Commercial Men. Cor. llili & V St?., two Mocks Miutli University, IJnvoln, fYcb. i). i,. peckiiam, CAIU'ENTER & BUILDER! 11th Strnil, but. M and X, Wuj,t Sale. All work done In n neat and oxpvtli t totit- inaiiS nor. Onion tollultcd. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. CO. VI, AXD WOOD ! X. PAKKKK, HOOT SHOE MAKEK. T Slrcut, between 10th anil I lth, Lincoln, - Xcbrnt-kii. ItHl'Allll.NO I'lUlSIPTI.Y ATTKSDHl) TO. DK.U.KU I.N CLOTHING, IIu lint now on hmul the licnvlcit Mockof good in Ills lino In Lincoln. Students will dowcllliy purchasing of May, as will nil others. Union Mock, Corner of 0 & lOtliSto, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Iliiing piiichat-eil tliu Interest of F. 1. I1.u.m;y hi the (iriiin nud Coal ItUhtncHH, at Lincoln, I nm now piopared to furnish Coal at Wholesale and Itetnll. Hollig kolu Agun' for l'UT SCOTT A: THO. SUMMIT O.YI,. I can liinil.-li Miiiiu ut greatly i educed prices Dealer from along tliu lino of II. ,fc M. am! Nob Itailway will lluil It to their inlcieM to gie me n call. orrici:, cokxkr 7111 ..v isi.s LINCOLN. NHII. J' V. Ill' III). iSfStulciits a speciality. (J. V. HOYEK -As CO., Commercial Meat Market, j)i:am:ks in AM. KINDS r l-'KKMI AM) SALT 31 K ATS. rori.Tuv. Corner N and lltli Hired-., Lincoln, Nebraska. NEBRASKA KAI17WAY. SillK V't. c'p 'pi( vc 'oingKiiil. 1.1'AYK. KutAc.'.M A- K" AK1IIVH. MAK. FlAA. T'JOam. HUOWNLLK .VJOpm. lauiuii. J' II HJI I m:h. un ; I ;$ inVm ,,,. nl!iaii ,IN.OIN til!" I0HU) ,l" 1 IUI) ,,l "," lalHKI .ltd SKWAltl) llMMain. At Lincoln. i'Iol' connection with train on 11. A. M. It. It.. Loth Iviirt and Wot. train on both road meeting at Lincoln, l-'.:i) pm. Through ticket to all the principal point in the United State and ('aiuiilnx. at the t'nion Tick et Olllce. CorniT or O A 11th Mrcct. CIom connection made at Nebraska Cltv with ('. It. A . tuilii for llurlliigtnu, Ch'ago ami point Kat. nud with K. ('. St. Jo. A C. It. triiln for Omaha and point- Wi'H, North and Kat, anil for St. Loitl ami points. Kat and South. Hut one change of cars lii'twuun Nebraska C and Iiitllaiiapoll. Coliimbu. I 1 1 1 r-tm -r:. New York, Baltimore and Washington City. K.I). SMITH. A. ('. y.KWElt. Oeii'l F. & T. Agent. Ticket Agent. OMIee on loth meet, n.xt door to the Flrt Natlonnl Ituiik Lincoln. Nil).