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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1877)
Ouu Djchihk Kon Phaisjc. 18!! of life, with firm sweet touch plays tlio Grout Master's score of Truth and Love and Duty ever more knows loo, that far beyond the roar and strife, though lie may never hear, in the true time these notes must all accord in symphonies sublime. & V. OUJl DI'JSUIH 1'Vlt PRAISE. Much lias been written on this subject and many have condemned tiie desire as harmful, one which hastens its votaries to their speedy ruin. That this is oftlimes tme we will not attempt to deny, hut wo are not to draw from this that the desire in its natural state is injurious but rather that it has been perverted and has become the sole object of the individual. . This desire exhibits itself not only in the matured person but also in almost the first acts of the little child, from which we arc- able to conclude that it is natural to mankind in general, and harmless ex cept when carried to excess. If praise is harmful why does (iod himself command that we give glory to Him? We believe Unit this desire oven granting all the evils that How from it is one ot the mainsprings of civilization. For exam, pie, what would the world come to if we were ever actuated by the fear of punish. mentV Is it not far better to see u person moved by the thought that, for what he does he will receive praise, than to see him cringing and doing just enough to es cape the penalty of the law whether that be natural or human? Take the desire for praise or reward, the desire for richi's and the fear of ptu'shmcul, and what oth er motives are there left by which we are actuated? We answer none. Under the desire for praise we do not merely include those who are ever acting so that they may gain the applause of their fellow be ings, far from it. These are they who are daily perverting this very natural desire and making it their god. We mean also those who so conduct themselves that they are conscious of having acted right ly whether they may receive praise from others or not. This we call receiving the reward from one's own conscience, a kind of praise which will not pun' up nor harm. Addison says, "The wise man is happy when he gains his own approbu. lion, and the fool when he recommends himself to (he praise of those about him." On general terms we will agree with this statement but not absolutely ; for if it is true, ovei nine-tenlhs of mankind are fools a fact which many of us scarcely wish to admit. Lot each one take it home to himself and see if, even in his daily actions, he is not governed more or less by the desire to do whatever he under takes in a praiseworthy manner. Setting aside our dally acts and looking forward to our future caieers, how many are there who do not have some ambition to rank high in some department or other? Moreover do we not, while tired by this ambition, look about us aid compare our selves with others striving to outstrip us, now this one and now that one? There is no other motive which stimulates us to greater exertions. it is as we said the great promoter of civilization. Some are continually striv ing to shine in themselves whom Addi son calls ;!!, while others and really the large majority aim to surpass their fellow beings whom the same author calls fools, which being the ease, we believe it lias been a blessing to (he world that it lias had so many l'uols(V). Some, while living, gain their glory, others are com pelled to wall until years after death be I'oie their names ale held up to posterity. Some strive for Immediate reward, oth ers look forward to what glory they will gain when dead. Some who are extolled after death have done some heroic deed in which they acted disinterestedly and for the good of others--perhaps for their country while many, though doing some brave act, are thinking merely of the glo ry they will receive when dead. The hit. ter and we here agree with -Mr. Addison i are fools. Kuthusinsls are intoxicated