Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1877, Page 201, Image 21

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    Lor Aii Nkwh.
Dannie Wheeler has been occupying
Ills smru timo al one oftho typo's cnsu in
tills ofllce. The Studknt now boasts ol'tlio
l)i!stlooking editors, and typos, yes, and
iltwil, of any priming ojllco In this broad
It's it caution the way the boss Editor
ol' llils sheet mutilates the problems in sol
id Geometry. Old Loom is himself would
blush for shame if lie was obliged to rise
at 8:15, and occupy a place in that solid
BRA.UOH! can be found by buying Oro.
curies, Cigars and Tobacco of W. W.
IOnglisli. Students are invited to call
and see him, one door south of 0, west
a t III 01. tr.
Our old friend, Amos E. Uantt, has
severed his connection with tlio North
Plr.ttc Nubrufkiun, and has entered the
political arena, and announces himself as
Candidate for County Clerk of Lincoln
-Our business manager attempted to
soil the books, of which we have made
mention, to the University' but for some
reason or another they refused. Any one
wanting to buy a cheap library plea.se call
at this oillce.
Students will please bear in mind thai
there is a time coming when they will all
have to bo on hand with their rhotoricals.
Official notice was given in chapel a few
mornings since and we presume that is
very good uuthority.
We would suggest that a Librarian
be appointed, in order that students may
have access to the Library. The class in
English Literature are greatly in need ol
books, to enable them to prepare them to
prepare their lesson.
"There's a good time coining," sings
our devil, well we are ready for its advent
In our midst. One who is tortured from
one weeks end to another, by the madden,
ing cry, " lor copy," is ready for most any
tiling. Let her come.
The Studknth has several fine books
which lliey oiler for sale cheap. The
life of Dickens, and Livingstones Travels,
are among them, and are an addition to
anybody's library. For further informa.
(ion call at this oillce.
Our friend, Geo. McLean, has presented
us with a beautiful breech-loading musk
et. "We would suggest the propriety of
delinquents settling their accounts with'
us soon, as our devil is a bad man and cf.
Ilcient in the art of war.
II. M. Woiiey, a former student oftho
University, is again among us with his
smiling visage. JI. M. looks fresh and
hearty and deals out sweetness by the bar
rel al Valparaiso. Ladies give him a en! I.
lie hands us his sub. Thanks.
The Board of mnnagera elected J. F.
E. McKesson to till the oillce of Business
Manager. The selection was indeed good,
Mr. McKesson having already shown his
cllloiency by tho manner in which he has
worked up this issue of the Student.
Through some carelessness the Edi
torial form is fulTof typographical errors.
Wo have no apology to make, however,
for we fully appreciate that nothing looks
so bad, especially in a college paper, and
no excuse is pardonable for the same.
The I'allndhin Society Is "death" on
dramatic plays, now comes the news that
a heavy drama is on the boards, with n
tine line of stars. The play is facinaling,
judging from the time our mnnngcr
spends In rehearsal. He says its jolly.
--One of the preps "extinguished" him-
self a few morings since at the organ in
chapel. The manner in which ho held
"The Fori" blended enthusiasm In the
song and Inspired the bassocs in the rear
end to give vent to their musical powers.
A lock of braided hair was found in
our sanctum a few days ago. Our devil
fails to explain, thus casting a shadow and
gloom over our once happy and tranquil
oillce. Any information on the matter
wijl be thankfully received by our editor.