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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1877)
HESPERIAN STUDENT. EDITORS. EniToii tx-cuiKF. 1 I Hoi-miis. Asmhiatk Eoitok, 1.0. Swkukvaxt, Local Ennvm and Hvhnkss Manauku, - Amikkt Joyck. THK.MS KOll sUltSClUl'TlON. 1 copy per college venr - $1.00. 1 " SIX mOUlllS Single copy 0.10. HAT Kg OK AOVKHTISIXO. 1 column one insertion . . 3 squares " " 1 44 44 .4 $.v.o. 1.00. .:w. All article!, for jiuliliration eboiitd be itddrecMMl-KdiUir Hk-vkuun Stciif.nt. State rnheMtv. Lincoln. Nebraska. All iuWrtloiife, and lmi-ine!- comniuuication, with Jlio addrct-s. chould be Mint to Snbecrintion collected invariably in advance. Advertisements- collected iiiniitlily. l'nil- G. E. Woodbury, a recent gradu- 'late action of t!ie Regents, in making the ato of Harvard college, chosen a year ago I matter compulsory. Would we have the by the Hoard of Regents, to Jill the chair 'military department something of a rcali of English Literatim- and Rhetoric has ar- 'ty, the proper mean has. been devised for rived and enters upon his duties at the making it Mich. Was the matter thoitr beginning of this new j ear. The tudenls i ongoly understood, wuould the students extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Woodbury but look atjil in the proper light, we cii and will endeavor to make his duties both turelhat this revolting would toon cense, agreeable and pleasant. The want of tin All en well allbid to spend a short tint Instructor in this dcpnrinent has long each day in drill, there is none but wht been felt, by those connected with the 'win find lime away from studies, to indulge University and they have anxiously await-, in this healtehfull pleasing oxereisisc. ed the comming, when an able and com-1 When it was understood that a military putonl teacher would commence the long department was to be connected with the desired instruction. Fiom Mr. Wood- i institution, theic was none but what had a bury we are not doomed to disttpolnl meut, he havingUught in thisdepartment in Harvard college before his graduation from that institution, which speaks vol nines as tonis capability and success us a teacher of Literature and Rhetoric. Upon opening day. many of the stud, cuts were much disconceited, and agitated upon the announcement, Unit all students pi the Freshmen, Sophomore and Junior years would be compelled to join the niili- feeling of pride, astliey witnessed lhcaug mentation ol our already extended ad vantages. Then to make it a success, de pends upon you, do it cheerfully, and you will find it an avocation both pleasing and protitahle The feeling, that an impo I sition was being practiced, in compelling students to enter this department, and sc ctiie uniforms for the occasion is unfound ed, it is to your adavantage, better and more durable cloths can be procuied and nt a far lower rate, than the commonest clothing can be purchased. You arc tary department. Since the oiintnization of Mich a department the students hac "Sluing ymr own interests, working to I,,.,.., i,1, I.. ,w..m..!l.Mr ,,.., , !,,"r,Uv liilyiiiilfig hen you endeavor J ' " - u intertete :u ciuiLs, consequently the expediency of the j rights. uul demand your so called HHHHHHBSa fiBnl HMvmMiMWMfUefiMMnMVVMB w'W