102 AOTIIOKS AXl) OllATOUS. To liopo nntl holiness In Hod." Anil another "Your voIcoIukb lips of tlowvi art; 11 lug pnwcliurs! Knelt cup n pulpit, cvciy Iwif n lmok: SiipphliiK to m fancy nunicron tcni lu-rs, l'mm loiielli'M nook." All the grout forces iihnut us act silent, ly, "Still waters run deep." The nttrac lion of gravitation in silence holds the earth from burslir.g into atoms. The arrows of light and heat are shot silontl) from their great quiver and execute their missions. In vivid contrast to the mete or that falls hissing to the ground, the stars in silence marshall their hosts through their eternal courses. Of them llio Psalmist sas " The heavens declare the yilory of God ; and the Armament showeth his handi work. There is no speech or language where their voice is not hoard. Day unto day uunrolh speech and night unto night showeth knowledge." C 31. AUTHORS AND ORATORS. Two classes of men are foremost among the iutluencos, which, operating genera tion after genera' ion, have been slowly raising mankind from a state of harhar. ism and ignorance into a state of civiliza tion and refinement. Two classOb of men do more than all other influences to ele. vate human morals manners and customs Two classes of men do more limit he. roes and armies lo build up nations or overthrow them. Those men are authors and orators, nearly alike in some respects widely diHeronl in others, and my object will be to draw a comparison between them. At first thought it would soom t It tit there is little ground for any comparison between the author and the orator The one writes; the olhei speaks The object of each is to give expression to his thoughts, and thus to wield an in lliioiicc over his lollou mi n or w in theii nppiohntion or praise It would not sct-m at llikl thought, thai the man who could give expression to his thoughts on paper could not as well give expression to thorn in a speech; but the fact is, men arc very seldom found who can both writo and speak with equal facility. There is a groat ditVorenco between writing and speaking, and tills dilletencc is found to be far greater than we would at Iks l suppose, when we come to study carefully the natures and works of the most renowned authors and orators. The author does his work in the soli, tude ol his own room. No assembly of people inspire, cheer, or seem to be close ly sympathizing with him. If he receive any enthusiasm at all, it must come fiom the contemplation of his subject. The presence of a largo audience seems to stim ulate, and give tension to the thoughts of the orator, but not so the author. "The on. ly I'ogusiis ho has to boast," says llazlitb " is the hobby horse of his own Ihougnls and lancies." But the orator does his work in public. He is never moie at home than when standing before a crowd of people. Shut him up in his own room and his great power is gone. Charles Fox was a brilli ant genius, a power when in the House ol Commons, but his history of England is decidedly lame. When away from the audience which seemed in a certain degree lo inspire him, his power and genius were not essentially greater than that of many another man. Do you think that Daniel Vobsior, shut up in his own study-roonn could have written out those lofty senti inonls which wo find in his reply to Mr. llayno? No. Those sentiments seem to be the spontaneous utterances of a soul ovorllowing with patriotism, and of a mind that would convince other minds by grappling with the mighty question which is oven threatening in its solution the dismemberment of the Union. OT course 3Ir. Webster had oaiefully considered his suited and had weighed all his arguments pro con and in his own inaxbue intellect before ho delivered his speech, but then the language which .