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About Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1877)
mo SlI.KNT On ATOMS. over some one lying upon tin1 ground, while :it the same time he was hallooing for he.lp. iMiss Raymond wont lo the head of the stairs ami called to her lather, and then aroused the servants, after which she put h shawl over her own head, and, being not at all backward or timid when she felt that she could be of any service her self, ran down the gravel walk into the street. Hut there is some subsidiary matter with which our readers should be made acquainted before we give farther particu. lars concerning this catastrophe. This, willi the account of the accident, and some farther matter of inteiesl, we will reserve lor another chapter. Svi.VKsTKU. (to Ito continued.) SI LKXT OHATOHS. The ancients 'villi their beautiful ideas of the appropriate, represented the goddess of eloquence with her linger on her lips; thus to typify that silence is the highest type of oratory. We of to-day appreciate more fully than they, that as true as it is grand is the saying " Speech is silver and Silence golden; "Speech is human, Sil ence is divine." The orator stands before us a magician In his piescncc we are powerless. The giandure of his thoughts, the music of his voice enchant us, his burning words of el. oqucuce paralyze us, his magnetism sub. dues us. lie waves his magic wand, we laugh, we weep, we applaud, we stand aghast. Under his condemnation how we quail. At his command how dormant duty springs into action. What grand under takings, what riles of religion, what acts of saerillce, what deeds of valor we deter, mine to pel form. But ho stops. The spell is broken. We tmr bis willing slaves. Hut a sense of relief over us, we draw a long In uath, look into eaeli others eyes and say " it was good" mid though good has been done for no grand, Hue sentiment can be uttered but that the world h i ichor for it yet we soon sink back into tin old life of inactivity and neglect. Not so the workings of those men whose lives and characters have spoken lo the world; what they have said can jimrdic; for good or ill they are instinct with perpetual life. The choids which they have struck will vibrate thiough ctci nity. Silently surely have they moulded from the clay of human remembrance en during statues of their lives; which through all time will give u.s instruction and enthusiasm, or warningand reproach, as we shape our lives to belli Cod's image. The perpetual psalm of life is not thai irords, but " Urvn of uu'itt niun nil ri'iiilml lie, Wo am) limkt our 1I('i Mibllini!." In Ibis utilitarian age the universal pioverb is "Actions speak louder than words." Webster, Clay and Calhoun had won deiful eloquence. Burke Erskinc ami blieiitlan stood at the head ol British oia tory y more men have been inlluenced to good and led to the paths of righteous ness by the knowledge! that thej haw been traversed by one noble man like Buiiyan than by the combined eloquence of them all. Webster spoke glowing words for Lib. city but the glorious spectacle of Lincoln shattering half a million fellers e.xoilcs a bundled fold greater admiration for (lie spirit of universal emancipation. Zuleucus the hoeriau chieftun falling upon his own sword lo vindicate by hi.s dealli the law he had in time of great public danger unintentionally broken, or Brutus laying aside parental all'ection and in the character of a magistiale con demning his .sons lo death, spunks as powerfully for the supiemacy of the Law as did ever ChanccllorKcnt. .lohn Howard's actions which spake for the sulloiing prisoners in Bedford jail pleads as eloquently for oppressed hu manity as does Burke's great speech for "win i i n n , mummwaiWMBI