Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, October 01, 1877, Image 1

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gul lion I'i'oflult, Uoiltilt.
y0 'Jfi
OCT01JEK, 1877.
NO. 8.
Music has ever exerted a powerful In
lluenct; over tin mind of num. The low
breathing symphony tilling the heart with
sweet tender feelings the loud Imttlu
hymn with its soul Inspiring tone lending
the thousands mi to death and victory
the guy wedding inarch ushering the fair
bride into her new life the mournful
dirge limiting o'er the open grave all
Ilnd responses and echoing chords in the
human heart and wo arc pensive, hold,
gay or sad as the answering tones vibrate
through our souls.
Life is a song with its chords deep and
lull, soft and low, glad and gay, sad and
sweet. Ambitions, grand and worthy, in
spire the singer, and n melody wondrous
powerful charms the ear. It 1 strong in
the power it exerts o'er the hearers while
the deep toned harmony with its force
and strength carries the singer with each
vibration nearer tlie pearly gates.
Thoughts of days gone by, memories of
associations weet, beget a gentle thrilling
strain such as one loves to hear at twi
light's hour that brings a calm and repose
o'er the soul as none other can.
The quick joyous music which causes
the blood to leap and How swiftly through
the veins, comes only from beautiful
thoughts and happy moments when the
sunshine seems so bright as to mock the
semblance of a cloud.
But the clouds come, and sorrow and
pain touch the minor chords of ones soul
and a melody of lost hopes, broken vows,
troubles and sorrows, lloats through the
air o'er tiny graves and thresholds where
the death angle has summoned some
loved one across the dark river.
This sad and mournful wail is heard all
o'er the land coining from poverty strick
en homes where vice and .want walk hand
In hand from homes where a mother
weeps for an erring son or mourns a way
ward daughter It is heard In the noble
halls of great and rich while palace walls
echo the sad sirain through nil the arches
and princely corridors to e'en the" brow
Which wears the crown.
Every life has Ms minor chords. From
the happy carol of the little child to the
solemn chant of the greyhalred sire is
found this thread of mournful harmony
woven oftiines among the brightest and
and gayest.
But the sad sweet strains which echo
through the heart whed sorrow and alllic
lion come are necessary to the perfectness
of the song bringing out more clearly
the full rounded major tones making the
joyous part all the more joyous softening
and shading all in their lowtoued harmo-nly.