Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, June 01, 1877, Page 155, Image 5

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Some natures are as sensitive to n touch
in this direction as the Sensliive Plant
scenes unpleasant to behold. "We then
should see the bus' world with all its
varied scenes; its inhabitants nibbing to
and fro in pursuit of the ideal of their af
fections, gold and silver. I repeat that
this would be a scene unpleasant to be
hold. Every man seems to be grasping
aftor a little more of this world's goods,
each exulting at the downfall of his
neighbor, (if by this downfall his own
selfish desires shall be in any way grati
fied,) and all running the race for wealth,
honor and fame, with rapid but uncertain
step. Although there are thousands up
on thousands of human beings entering
upon the race, yet very few ever rcaili the
goal toward which their great hopes and
aspirations urge them. Why is it then
that so man' positively and absolutely
fail? The young man starts out with the
glow of health upon his cheek; and for
tunc seems to smile upon him as one
among the more favored of humanity.
He chooses a vocation and enters upon
his work, hoping to make some grand
achievement in the near future. The re
turns not meeting his expectations, he be
comes discouraged, and takes up some
thing new. This also fails to satiate his
greedy appetite, und it in turn is cast aside
for something else. So, going from one
thing to another, tossed about by the surg
ing waves upon life's ocean, he is found
to be but a specimen of wrecked huinuni
ty. Hopes defeated, ambition lost, ho be
comes a burden to himself and also to
his fellow men. How true it is that a
"rolling stone gathers no moss." Had
this young man been willing to await the
development of time the might "have lived
an honorable and successful life in his
first occupation, for industry, persever
ance and determination never fail to
bring success.
Then the first thing needed is this:
Learn to labor and to wait." Don't be
discouraged ut the first disaster. Face
the enemy with daring bolducas. Labor
on cheerfully and persevcringly, leaving
out the question of immediate returns,
and there will be nothing to fear. If we,
as students, adhere to the principles here
in set forth, we shall sooner or later be
waited by the genial breezes of light, lib
erty and knowledge into fields of useful
ness and harbors of success. Otis.
Eulogies arc cheap. For a small sum
almost any person can have his biography
published and distributed, in which his
good traits und deeds are advantageously
set forth, while his faults and blunders
are left in the background. In conse
quence of this, as time rolls on, after-generations,
forgetting the misdeeds, nnd hav
ing before them a record simply of the
brilliant exploits of such persons, come
to regard them as beings something more
than human. Now, though we by no
means consider that Queen Isabella played
the part of a goddess, yet we do believe
that anyone, having carefully studied her
reign, her character, and the motives which
intluenced her in every act, and who does
not regard her as a being of more than
ordinaiy ability, must be lacking some
what in his finer sensibilities, as well as
intluenced by that coarse and barbarous
idea that she amounted to nothing because
she was a woman. For such persons we
cannot express our contempt, and will
pass them by as relics of an age of bar
barism which is fast passing away.
We believe ia recognizing talent wher
ever it is found ; but when the laws regard
woman as a mere cipher, and man as the
only being of any importance, then, if a
woman struggling through all the vicissi
tudes should gain even moderate distinc
tion, and, more especially, if she should
outstrip all in her age, wc consider it
proper to give her more than the ordinury
amount of praise. Napoleon was distin
guishedfor what ? Elizabeth, the Virgin
Queen, has received many and great en
comiums for her wise and beneficent