. Kecipiioca.tko Maxims. 120 But like too man another man en. Uowcd 13' mother nature with pre-eminent talents, Howard Mclvee was falling into dissipated and unprincipled habits. Those habits, however, were as yet only incipi ent, and had not gained the ascendency over his better nature; and they weie either too little known as yet by the pub lie, or else his good humor and brilliant talents so ingratiated him in its favor, that these faults were only too readily over looked. He had become acquainted with Nellie Raymond at an evening party, and, pleased with her pleasant, quiet ways, luffl for some time after sought her company merely for the pleasure which he found in it, company which lie daily found the more pleasant because it payed him little of the llattery which friends were daily sounding in his ears, Rut gossips soon began to whisper that his attentions meant more than all this; and not a fortnignt after Mrs. Grundy had hinted to Mrs. Uundy that young Mclvee called frequent ly at the Raymonds', the story had got into private circles that the two were en gaged. Strange to say, Miss Nellie did not object to these attentions, but, on the other hand, rather fostered and encouraged the attachment that was springing up between them. She was the last person that one would ever suspect to have been guilty of coquetry, and, know, iug, as she did, his character, (for though Howard MoKVe's faults were many he did not piactico dissimulation,) such conduct on her part seems strange, indeed. Perhaps she loved him, though she was not willing to acknowledge it, even to herself, and, like many another girl under similar circumstances,' became so dazed by Ii is good qualities as to bo blind to his gross faults, until some kind friend point ed thorn out. Rot the best of women are ofttimes capricious in matters of thissor', and it will probably be just as well if we attompt no further explanation of Miss Nellie's seeming inconstancy. M. itters however had reached a crisis. Two days before this upon which our story opens, Miss Nellie had graduated at the academy, and Howard a day later had been granted the privilege of attaching the scholastic sulllx, R. A., to his cog nomen. Only one exercise now remained at the college, after which the students would be disbanded; the undergraduates for the summer vacation, the graduates to enter upon the more practical duties of life, for which they must now lit them selves by forgetting a large per cent of what they had already learned, and then by learning as much more anew. This exercise was the entertainment of the Adept io Litcrata Socidas. There were two societies in the college the Adtptio Litcrata ivcitta.t and the lnceplio Litcrata iiucietus. Howard was u member of the former, and had been appointed to deliver the closing oration and valedictory of the entertainment. "When our story opens, Howard Mclvee and Nellie Raymond had returned from a k-cliuc, and were leaning against the railing of the steps in front of Mr. Raymond's commodious residence. Howard's father was a banker, and his son from childhood had been accustomed to every advantage which wealth can be slow. So soon as he should have com pleted his college course of study, his father had designed tiial he should s-pend some j cars in Europe, after which it was expected that he would settle down to the study and practice of law. Howard had now graduated, and in two days more he would be oil" on his lour. Willi what eagerness, then, did he urge the gentle Nellie to accompany him, and make his contemplated visit a delightful wedding tour. The temptation was strong, but Nellie conquered it, and How-aid Mclvee .went, home thai night sorrowful, angry, crest fallen, and chagrined. "When he started for the lecture his hopes were bright, but now he found himself one of the many who have learned from sad experience that ' the course of true love never does run smooth." The high spirited youth,