tiiiKiiniiiMwatfltw 138 Editor's Chair. , t li lms so far been found to tukutho pluco of those principles, to .substitute in place of those articles of belief, that have been bunded down through the past from people to people, bearing with them civilization, contrary, and in opposition to the sumo old dogmas which many would adopt to day. Nothing can take their place, per forming the same duty to the world as they have done, let them be false or true. This we do not attempt to say. The world has adopted them, and In them is found consolation and happiness. And he who attacks that which is beyond his knowl' edge, beyond his comprehension, sets up manufactured dogmas of his own, and ex poses a weakness more to be despised titan respected. Then do not do It. Do not attempt to gain notoriety by joining the small minor ity that assail and attack, upon all sides that to which the world Is indebted for the morality which now exists. If doubt arises in your mind, study and Investigate for yourself. Do not make yourself odi ous in the eyes of those who would serve you as valuable friends. He cautious, and before striking at that which would assist you in the accomplishment of life's duly, remember that evil will crown your at tempt, that you alone are the loser. JOHN P. 13. MtKHSSON. Stanton, April, 21, 177. ' A niulunclioly tnlo A tnlo of iiukiuhIi which I wou'il not liunr, lllllitlni,' thu humitluM of our tlowcry vnlu Uuth Miuolo upon my our." Died, at Slantou, of a malignant form of erysipelas and rheumatism, about one o'clock this morning, in the 2-lih year of his age, Mr. John l 13. McKesson, who .graduated last year from the State Unlvcr sily. Deceased was a sou of J. M. M cites son, formerly of Lincoln, but now in No braska City. The doctor was called to the bedside of his son, and arrived here last Thursday, liMh lust., and at once took charge of the patient, not leaving his side until all hope of recovery was gone, and the end ol all that "was mortal was at hand. Our deceased friend came among us about nine months ago, and taught the winter term in school district No. 2, where he was highly prized as a gentleman of rare qualities, and duly upprccialed as an excellent teacher. In our little village his loss is deeply felt. He was a pattern of modesty, ability, kindness and generrsity. None knew him but to admire and respect him; and all fell that his loss was irrepa rable, and one which only time and a hope in the beyond can assuage. The deceased has a brother, Mr. S. D. McKesson, resid ing here. To him, and his amiable wife, to the kind and sorrowful father and mother, and to all the relatives and friends of the deceased, the people of this place extend the sympathy of sorrowful hearts. Their loss is also our own. May this af fliction and loss he to us all a means of grace, and one more lesson oft repeated teaching us to so live iliut when the end comes to us, wo may not fear, but desiie to depart, and meet and know our friends In the Kingdom not made with hands. The deceased will be buried at ten o'clock, A M.. 25th hist. " Krlunu nftur frluml ilupartn : Wlio linn not loft u lilundl 'I'hoio Im no union he id or hearts Thai llntlr not huru tin nu," l L. H. IN .MK.M0HIA.M. Once more does tho harbinger of death awaken us to the realization of the gloom and sorrow that sun omuls our walk through life. Again has one, whose name Is fresh in our memory, been summoned away to his rest. Another link in the chain which binds the students together In friendship has been dropped. Hut a few short months ago, after the comple tion of his task among us, under clrcum stances not the most encouraging, display Ing that energy and determination which was only the foretelling of a brighter fu ture, John left tl.osc who by association had grown near and dear friends, and en. A 'I