00 Political Life. nn mill tlivmvtmr lint nvmnr nf " nrivnln I ..-,-, ...... ........ ...0 ... , .. citizen " iiroimil their own shoulders, una themselves with slander and falsehood, uiul strike tlioir victims fierce and last, and innocence often falls before their ro lcntless charges. Wli.y.is it that a politician is any more open Id Mich charges than any other citi zen V The answer that is usually given is, "lie is a public servant, and his acts should bu discussed in a public manner." But if we should hear a vague report of some misdemeanor of a business man in our city, we would be slow to repeat it above a whisper, unless it were biokod by strong nrorf. The merchant is aio a public servant, not quite in tho same sense as the politician, but nono the less a ser vanl, for he serves us "villi what we want and receives his pay from us as a public, et how many of us know, when we make a purchase of sugar, whether we receive sugar, or sand and sugar: or if purehas ing extract of corn, whether it is corn March or something else wo receive. Then why not start an immediate war on all the merchants becauo we have heard that some of them are dishonest. One reason that politics are as wo find thuiu, is because of 0111 indis criminate war on them. Bui, at the same time 1 do not believe they are one tenth as bad as some try to make us be lieve them. There is a certain class, who are always bemoaning the corruption of the age. No matter at what time of the world's history wo tako it up, we find whiiiors, wjio, like Hamlet, are sighing and moaning about the "times being out of joint;" and, like Hamlet, instead of setting to work to rid their country of a few men who could bo spared to advan tage, tney conclude that everybody is cor. rupt but themselves; and that the only thing they can do is to complain because they were cast upon the world at such a degenerate time. Lot us discard tho ioolish and perni cious practice of abusing a man as soon as lie gets an oillco, and see if wo cannot respect ourselves; then others will re spect us, also. What ii.duciment do we oiler an intel ligent lorelgner to adopt our form of gov crnmenl, if we make him believe thai we are a nation of defaulters and mounte banks, ho will say, " If that is the fruit of republicanism, we had belter bear the ills we have, than to adopl such as the Ameri cans say they have, for at present we can have sonic self respect. " Hut the whiners sa', "we can not cover up the truth, and if such irregularities do exist, it is our duly to expose them." Well, we agree with you, 5T they do ex ist, but be sure they are practised, boforo you parade them so conspicuously before the public, and see that it is not tho old habit that so many fall into, of making what happens today the gieatest that ever did happen. Toillustra:o: some men will say of at least fifty daysduring a single win tor, " This is the coldest day 1 over saw; " or, in speaking of a lady," She is thebost looking woman 1 was ever acquainted with;" while the facts are, they have felt much colder weather, and seen ladies much handsomer, if tney would only tako the t'nie to consider. History shows that we never had a more prosperous time in our government than at present, and if we would take tho trouble to examine tho local papors, wo would find that there always has been the same cry of fraud in local affairs, as at present. But some will point to our daily papers and say, "See what a record of crime they furnish." Wo should remem ber that they give the aggregated crimes of forty millions of people, and with our railroad and telog"aph facilities, the com bined crimes of tho nation can be report ed at one poilit in a few hours. And more, tho people are becoming more civilized and christianized in the broad sense cf the words. What a couple of decades ago would have been consid ered as chivalric, now is considered as barbarous. Take, for instance, the as sault oftMr. Brooks on Charles Sumner