t ,; . .. i -i-jr 1 1 riin Bf . -MJE B'R.AS K M pIDDY BROTHERS, .: i '. , S MtilfltiAlifc'. ifk& ''' HHK.h:& -j. HHHHnt t SiWrS9fTWT jLjBkw 1 tSar" Skatfoor'mal- Sell (for. - , Corn, Ncmaltn County. . ' FACULTY.' r dK!?ty,,0l'UluaV y Principal l ? 'M ..5?c,u,ico? 'Art or Teaching ,V,y. . T f'' ' BLIX.V C IlIOKGAN, Preceptress,'., ' .' " niiclorlc:,ti"Ush Lit 'tuVe .'. ' . 'k '' " . "NICHOLSON, . ' " Vw & T-V' " Nntural Science.- ' V jk Y&a'"''' D s T N K' lTl7V-',',A. - Mathematics. I "&. jfefi'!fc SAI.MKJ. TJUIT.EXT, ' ' v rv" " ucography; Penmanship. " : v IiYDIA Itniili, . ,'.?. . English Grammar; Latin. .?,J- JOSIK 1,. DOWDUX, . . Principal of Model School. V 1). II. WOKLI5V, Vocal niid Instninn'iiial Music. v C.1I.l!VlJIZt First Term begins Sept. 5, 1870; ends Dec. 23, 1870.' Second" ' Jan. 3, 1877; ' Mar. 23, 1877. Thhd " Apr. 3.. 1877; " Juno 15, J877 llltll jjj. . HATTERS V . aiul Dealers In v MEN'S-FURNISHING-GOODS. ' OAVITOIi BLOCK, LTNCOLX, NEBRASKA. Hohman's Music Depot. Tiin couitsn op study three, in the Pcda ..i.lrlu 4l.vil1r.li an.'i.i . Dnratory, four iu the Normal. It l the alni of the Preparatory School to se curo thoroughness In the elementary hrancec and abroad and substantial foundation for higher education. It it) the aim of tho Vormnl School to carrv the work of general education to aH high a standard ub tho time will admit, and to secure eldll and ability In tho special work of teaching and school management. TClTroN is Fiircrc :. the Model School. Tho number of studcnU In attendance at. pro enWOet. 22.) Is about to hundred, oxcluMvoSbl thn Mndnl Mi'linnl. Jkr .X.m Vot information nddrqgBl. i " The I'ltiSciFAEff UKNTCD with prlxikgo of purchase,- OK SOLI), on cattj pavn outs. Tho rent per quarter is onk tenth ok tiik imiicb ok tiik oiiuAN, iwvable- (iiiarter'y in ndsance. Tims, if tlio jirleo of nn organ lioJJX). thepaymont (fuarterly Ih !?J0: If WJ, then $K)eiuarterly. etc. Uy paylii'i rent for ten nuarten, the lnstiument becomob the property of the parly hiring, HKNII YOUIt OUDKItH Foil SIIUJ:T .TlfAA'C, J1U8IV ItO0K(f JiTC't Tl Hohman's Music Depot, LINCOLN, NEnKAfllCA. ' .. '. r.:SZSjfeSSa3tt'.' TB ' vji ' 'ir,'i