- I f i I 4 J. II. IIARLEY, 4 , DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, BOOKS, STATIONERY AND WALL PAPER, X EANOY AND TOILET ARTICLES, HKUSHKS, FINK SOAI'S, sroxGis, Ac., Corner 0 ami 11th Streets, Lincoln, Net). CSCuJtomor.s will find our stock romplctc, comprising many articles It la Impossible hero to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prlcos. STATE CAPITOL PRINTING HOUSE. S. E. Corner 11th & 0 Streets. COMMERCIAL tfc ORNAMENTAL Engraving and Printing. JOO VISITING CARDS, 81.00- 0 W. W. BEAOII, Proprietor. FITS, EPILEPSY F A II 1 X " ICKXESS Verinnneiilly Ctiwl-nn IiiiiuIiuk by ivp month's usage of Dr. Goulard's Celebrated Infallible Tit Powder. To convince umirvr that theo powdeis will do all we claim lor them, we will end th. in hv mill', post ialI, a frei Trlnl llox. As Dr. Goulard N the only phylriau that litis" eer made thi disease a hpecial study, and as to our knowledge thousand h.-no been permanently eared by the use of the-e Pow ders, we will guarantee a iiermatieiit cure in every c:ie. or rrnnil you all money expeud imI. All iuiVerers should give these 1'owMoi an early trial, and he couIneed of their curative powers. Price, for large box. 3.00. or t boxe for $10.00. ont by mail to any part of 1'httcd State or Can ada on receipt of" price, or by express, C. O. 1). Address ASH A: KORBINS, :0. 1'in.Tos SmEfrr, IIixooklyn, N. Y. CONSUMPTION I o i I i v c I y Cured. All suitfercr from this diici'u that arc nnxlou to he cared should try Dr. KlNNiicrV Cele brated Consumptive Powder. Tlwco Powder are the onlx preparation known that will cure Consumption and all dWcnscs of tho Throat mid LunH-indecd. so strong l our faith In them, and abo to convince vou that they are no humbug, we wll" forward to everv sutlerer. b mall. po?t paid, a free Trial ISox. We don't want your money until vou an tier- fcctlv nit Wiled of their curative power. If vour life Is worth Having, don't delav in gixlug tlioe Powder a trial, as thev will Purely cure yon. Price, Tor largo box. $:.U). ent to any part of tho United States or Canada by mall on receipt of price. Address, A.SIl &z ItORKIXS, , 8fiO. YVVTOS SinKBT, HltOOKt.Y.V, X. Y. dsXleu IK CL0TIIING, Ilo has now on hand the heaviest stockof goods in his line In Lincoln. Students will do well by purchasing or 5Iay, as will all others. Union Dlock, Corner or 0 AluthSts, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. t2r-All work performed in a neat and eathfac ory manner. G. W. BOYER, Commercial Meat Market, DEALER IX AIX KINDS OF FKKSII AND SALT MKATS. POULTRY. Corner N and 11th streets, Lincoln, Nebraska. "i