Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1877, Page 117, Image 27

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    Local News.
cxcrci3cs took
Fifield, the
Music Messrs. Hart ai.d Piper,
Misses Parks and ltunyau.
Oration Subject, "The University;"
A. C. Piatt.
Essay Subject, "Rain;" Sam Cox.
Declamation Subject, " Parrhassius
and the Captive;" E. L. Hurt.
Instrumental Music II. V. Fitch.
Debate Ilesoloed, Th'it Church prop,
erty should be taxed. Affirmative, Elma
J. Hawley; negative, W. A. McAllister.
Oration Subject, "National Charac
ter;" C. M. Easterday.
Music Messrs. Hart and Piper, Misses
Parks and llunyan.
The exhibition, takcu as a whole, was
a creditable affair.
Literahy Contest. This highly in
teresting, friendly contest between the
Pal Indian Society and the University Un.
ion occurred Monday evening, March 20.
The Chapel was well filled with attentive
listeners "Who evinced their complete sat
isfaction by enthusiastically and repeated
ly applauding the performers. The Chan,
cellor being absent from the city, Prof.
Church, at tho request of the societies, pre
sided. A few minutes past eight o' clock,
tho performers took their seats on the ros
trum. A quartette, consisting ol Messrs.
Adams and Hart, Misses llunyan and
Kellem, entertained tho audience with a
well selected and fine piece of music.
Miss Cora B. Thomas, of tho University
Union, then held the close attention of
the audience with an essay entitled: Ac
tion. Miss Thomas evidently had devo
ted much thought aud attention to her es
say as it bore throughout tho marks of
careful preparation. Miss May B. Fair
field, of tho Pnllndian, followed with an
essay, subject: Paddlo Your Own Canoe.
Miss Fuirfleld read her production with a
vigor of speech and earnestness in keep,
ing with tho sentiments expressed. Her
essay was an excellent one, and duly ap
preciated by an intelligent audience. Tho
debate was then oncned by Miss Emma
Parks in behalf of the University Union.
Question: The Electoral Commission
Was it Politic? Miss Parks did remarka.
bly well, and exceeded the expectations
of her most sanguine friends. Her argu.
mont was forcible, to tho point and con
clusive. Not only the University Union,
but tho University, should feel proud that
it possesses within its walls a young lady
of rare oratorical attainments. Mr. Chas.
E. Magoon, of tho Palladian, opened the
argument in behalf ol the negative. Mr.
Magoon has a good command of Ian.
guagc and was well informed. Like the
preceding performers, ho held tho close
attention of the audience. Mr. J. P. A.
Black closed for the affiimative. Mr.
Black made a very able argument and
showed a thorough acquaintance with
law, and facts bearing on the question.
A. W. Field, of the Palladian, closed tho
debate with a sterling speech for the nega
tive. Mr. Field has a good reputation as
a speaker and spoke on this occasion with
his characteristic energy and eloquence.
Mr. Field seems to be peculiarly adapted
to the discussion of political questions,
being well informed in matters relating
to the political world. At the close of
the debate, Miss Mollic Baird and Miss
Helen M. Candco favored the audience
with a duet. The mere mention of the
mimes of these ladies is a sufficient guar
antce of the excellence of the music. Mr.
J. O. Sturdevaut, of the Palladian, deliv
ered an oration, subject: Necessity of
Development. Mr. F. M. Lamberton rep
resented tho Union, taking for his subject,
Ucpresentative Ideas. Mr. Sturdevant
treated his subject in a popular man
ner. Mr. Lamberton exhibited con
siderablo originality of thought. Both
orations showed diligent euro and thor
ough preparation; were well delivered
and received with applause. This contest
is admitted by all to be equal, if not su
perior to any literary entertainment which
ever took place in the University-