Hesperian student / (Lincoln [Neb.]) 1872-1885, April 01, 1877, Page 115, Image 25

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    Local Nrcws.
Regents Win. Adair and L. B. Fi field
gave us a pleasant call, recently, at our
By a recent decision of the faculty,
all moatings of the literary societies will
closo nt 10 P. M.
For neat printing of all kinds go to
W. W. Beach, 0 St., corner of 11th, under
IInrloy'3 Drug Store.
When you huy Groceries, don't for
get to give W.W. English a call, at the
Little Grocery around the corner of O
ami 11th.
The class which meets nvcry Friday
afternoon for practice in singing, is an in
tere.sting, protiitahlc and enjoyable- fen.
lure of the University.
The skating rink at the Academy of
Music seems to have quite an attraction
for the students. A few of them have' ac
tually learned to stand up on rollers.
Wo met George in the hall the next
morning after the accident which hap.
pened to him at the skating rink, looking
quite cure worn. He is rapidly recover
ing. A copy of the North Nebraska Eagle,
published at Dakota City, lies on our table.
It is a welcome visitor to om sanctum. It
has the appearance of boing an enterpris
ing, live newspaper.
The library is still a popular place of
resort for tho spare moments of the stu
dents. Its affairs are excellently man.
aged by tho librarians, Miss Ruth Haw
lev ad Mr. A. 0. Piatt.
As we came down the street, the oth
er day, we saw a young lady student step
into a saloon. It it had been temperance
we would have remained silent. O, what
will the coming generation be?
C. N. Little, a typo in our ofllce, has
been compelled to leave the ofllce on ac
cqunt of other pressing business. Mr. S.
P. Piatt occupies the vacant case. Our
oilier compositors are Miss Mary II. Wil
liams, nvcry cfllcicnt compositor, and Mr.
Albert Fitch, who acts as foreman.
Tho trnii3oin over tho entrance door
of tho Palladian society hall has recent
ly been decorated with the niuno of that
society in ornamental luttc-s. Tills will
add much to the attractions of the hall.
The gentlemen at the Dormitory keep
up their physical strength by performing
various athletic feats, in the middle of tho
street, before admiring throngs gathered
on the sidewalks and at the neighboring
Mr. G. R. Harris, a student of tho
University, gave us a call a short time
since, and exhibited to us some good
specimens of his skill as an object painter.
He is willing to teacn others the art of
painting, for a little consideration.
We understand that the Regents have
appropriated fifty dollars for the purpose
os assisting tho University Union to pay
for their organ. The organ of this socie
ty was Used for several months by the
University during Chapel exercises.
The military compnny, one day re.
cently, on account of the unfavorable
condition of weather did not drill, but
were treated to an excellent lecture on
"Gunpowder," by Prof. Dudley. Tho
Professor gave the boys much valuable
information and instruction as regards
this destructive compound. The company
drills three times a week, Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday.
Considerable enthusiasm is mani
fested by tho military company in tho
drill exercise of the term. We notice a
marked improvement in the company.
Wo arc informed that a number have sent
for uniforms. The company presents an
attractive appearance as they march
about the campus, and when the boys are
fully equipped, as they soon will be, they
will present quite a soldierly appearance.
There are a uumbr of students who
have not yet become subscribers to the
Student. Every student should take a
copy. Wo have placed the prico of sub
scription at the low price of ono dollar,
so that no ono can reasonably refus to