atawtfdbHMiaHNMNIIII 114 Local News. ih Pflstorcr, gun and locksmith is always ready for business at his shop P st bet. 8th and 9th sts. Liddy Bros. lOtli near O street offer extra inducements to students to purchase hats, caps, &c. of them. The campus presents a very verdant appearance at present writing. Our jani tor is preparing the ilowcr beds, and other wise improving the grounds. That student who lias been wearing heavy gloves during this spring lias final ly concluded that his hands are sulllciently white. Ho now wears no gloves. The Palladian Society will give a so ciablc on Friday Evening April 27th. A good time is anticipated as the Palladians know how to make a success of a sociable. An inducement. To airy-one furnish ing us with live yearly subscribers, we will send a copy of the Student for one your. Let clubs be formed throughout the State. The business manager is under obliga tions to It. A. Blackburn of the Normal School, for the interest he has taken in the affairs of the Student ; thus rendering us valuable assistance. Committees have beon appointed by the respective societies, to appoint per formers for the commencement cxhibi tions. Wc shall probably be able to pub lish the programmes, decided on, in our next issue. The Board of Regents did not donate us a press. It was gratifying for us to know, however, that the Regents take great intcres. in our paper, and would help us, were they in a position to do so. We will probably get a press before long. The dull season being over, and spring having returned, freighted with better prospects for business men, our ad vertising patronage has increased. By noticing our advertisements it will be seen that business men outside of the city desire to bo represented in our advertising columns. Regent L. B. Filleld, in behalf of Messrs. G. & C. Merriam, publishers of "Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, has presented the University library witli a copy of tho Unabridged, latest edition. This witl be an acquisition much needed in tho library. Tho elocutionary exercises under Pro feasor Palmer are improving the students wonderfully in distinct pronunciation and knowledge of elementary sounds. Tho Professor seems to be particularly adapted to such work. The class will soon be exer cised in reading. "We estimate that theie was just a quarter of pound of Hour on that stu dent's coal as he entered the Methodist church the other Sunday. We would sug. gest, that those students, who cook their own meals, had better manage it some way to borrow chairs to sit on, Sundays and use the Hour sack other days. Wo announce with pleasure that tho next number of tho Student will contain an excellent slory entitled, "Reciprocated Maxims." College life is vividly por trayed, and there is a beautiful heroine as well as a hero in tho story. The story is written in an original style, diffuring from the usual stories published. It is attract, ive, even fascinating and will be read by all. The story will continue through sev eral numbers of the Student. "We will endeavor to have extra copies of tho Stu dent on hand to supply all demands. We could scarcely refrain from tears when our associate and that tall ex-president of tho Palladian Society, recounted to us tho vicissitudes which they cxperi enced on their overland journey from a neighboring county to attend this term of tho University. Their vehie'e "broke down," when they were quite a distanco from this city. As but one could ride in tho weak vehicle, they wore under the ne cessity of alternately changing their posi tion from tho wagon to one of tho mules. Imagine their imposing appearance and the sensation created along the road.