-i rflNMl MAIiUa 11J NonMMi Locals. u..l.u j.mm will excite iulmh-iition; in fine, who can quicken the henrt and load men to think of something high and noble. Such be ing the case, it stands tho teacher in linud to cultivate a taste for oratory in tho American youth. There is nothing except music, perhap?, that gives more tone to a school than rhc torical exercises. There is something sol emn and earnest about it It gives variety to school exercises, and seems to bind tho teacher and pupil in closer friendship. The little spcoehes committed while in childhood strengthen the memory and store the mind with useful knowledge. Well do 1 remember my llrst speech in school. "Thousands of men breathe, move, live and pass oil' the stage of life and arc never heard of any more. Why? Because they did not a particle of good in the world." The question is, How conduct rhetori cal exercises? How make them interest ing and instructive? The reason that the pupil becomes discouraged and does not take an interest in this work, is because, the teacher has violated the law of grad ual development. In this exercise, as in all others, he must proceed from the known to the unknown. In this truth lies the secret. There is perhaps no great er scope for improvement thuu is found in those exercises. The teacher often as. signs work far in advance of the pupils education. Ho will announce that on a named day a certain little girl must have an essay, when the child has had no train ing in essay writing, or assign ti speech to a little boy, which he cannot compre hend. This should not be: it discourages the child. Upon entering a school, 1 tvould say nothing about this feature of die school work until everything else was fixed, and Iliad ascertained the advance ment of each pupil. I would begin by having the general exercises consist of language lessons. Lessons upon tho art of essay writing. Hove tho pupils write letters of various kinds; beginning with the business letter. I llud there arc very few who know how to begin and close a Utter properly. Give them drill in vocal culture and gesture, tiiis can be carried to any length. After conducting these exer cises eery day foi two or time weeks you are then ready to commence rhetoricals on Friday afternoons. Once in three weeks is often enough for beginners. The more advanced pupils can come on every two weeks. A word in regard to ossay writing. Let the essays bo upon subjects with which tho student is perfectly fmnil- lar. .Let llio best production m tno inn guago class bo read on rhetorical day. As thoughts suggest themselves in classes in history, geography, reading, physiolo gy, or any other brnnuh, assign tlum to different membeis of the class to investi gate and write upon. Again, select some subject to talk about and analyze; after the school has analyzed the subject, give it to some one to till out. By so doing, essay writing becomes easy and natural. I can think of nothing that will develop the power of thought more than writing essays. The great object of every school should be to teach the students how to think. All declamations and select read ings should be of a proper character; should bo adapted to the ability of the child. 1 have given but a general outline of this work and what I have said upplics more to the common school. Tho com mon school is the starting point and should be well guarded for the destiny of every individual dopouds largely upon his education in youth. " Samson." NOUMAL r.OOALS. Socinblo to night. "I want my mitten." The Board met. on the nth inst. "The river is up unci the channel is deep." If you want a square meal, call at the dormitory. If you want a good dish of I oysters cnll tit Lellon's. umivmunmsmmmfam&mt