f "MTW , . v.. , t 1 t iL iasaawiMMaMHMpMWI 7 HlsB " NJ3BUASKA STATE t'NIVEIWlTY. UMVtiiisrrt' j-vicijiltv. K. H. FAMIl'IBM), H. T. J). Mi. I)., Chiincollur. ' II. K. HITCHCOCK. A.M.. Prof, of Mntliumntfes Demi ir College of Literature nnd Science. J. Al'OllEY, A.M.. I'll, J)., pof. of Nntiirii! Sciences. (? i-:o. .McMillan, a. m., Prof, or Orevk Langnngc und Llt'erittiirc. U. B.CIIUHCH, A.M., Prof, of I, iitin I.niigtiugo mid I.lluintiuc. HIHAM COLLI Kit A. M. L. L, I).. I'rofusbor of Ohumlntry mid Physics. KDU.VU S. DUDI.KV. PfofoeabrorSllllturySciuiicviimlTm-tlcfi. IIAIUUNOTON KMKHbON, A. M., Prof, ol Modern Lniiguiigcc. 0. K. JIAILBY, A. II., AsglstnntProfl'eHsiir In Chemistry. HAUVEY CULHBHTSON. II. A. , Toucher of Agriculture UMVUKMVY OV XKISHAMiA. A DM I SI ON. Students of liolli Kiixt-K nru ndmittird totliu Uni versity on pnsslng the ri'iiiilsltotwuinliiitlloini TUITION. A fue of $." la nld lit 11 inutrlciiliitioii feu iiIho V- to incut iticidunliil exponeus. Hooks nt cost. APPrtHATUS AND LIHKAKY. Tliu Unlvurslty Is nbilndmitiy supplied with new mid vitlimhlu ppuriiliiH, in both lite Chcini cut und Phllosophlciildupmlnuints. Thul.lbriuy, uuenu inrgi'. ! inrimiii(; uniiiiiii'v, nv inu uiiui I ton of Miltluhlu hooks. AOHIOULTUJtAL COLLEGE. 'I his Colleo now oilers spuclnl iittrnctlons. by Its coiirsu ol Instruction nnd coniponsntod Inlior on I lie lurin, whuruby sluduiil expenses mtiy bit paid. ItOAltDINC. llonrdln enn liu had from $:i o $5 pur. wcuk. CALENDAR. ' The Winter Term commences Jim. 1. 1877. '1 ho Spring April 1,1877. l'or (jlrciiliui mid other inforiniitloii hi respect to University, address. ' i. 11. FAIUFIBLP, Cluiiiecllor, Lincoln, Neb. ,v' V H f.